1. Caddy version (caddy version
docker image: slothcroissant/caddy-cloudflaredns:2.4.6
2. How I run Caddy:
using docker-compose, see below
a. System environment:
using docker
b. Command:
c. compose file:
my docker compose using a caddy version with cloudfare dns for DNS challenge
version: "3.7"
#image: caddy:latest
image: slothcroissant/caddy-cloudflaredns:2.4.6
container_name: caddy
restart: unless-stopped
- "80:80"
- "443:443"
- /volume1/docker/caddy/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile
- /volume1/docker/caddy/data:/data
- /volume1/docker/caddy:/config
- TLD=domain.xyz
- CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL=me@example.com
- TZ=Europe/Berlin
d. My complete Caddyfile or JSON config:
acme_dns cloudflare mytoken
*.domain.xyz {
@ha host ha.domain.xyz
reverse_proxy @ha
@jellyfin host jellyfin.domain.xyz
reverse_proxy @jellyfin
3. The problem Iām having:
Cloudfare tunnel is configured with a CNAME wildcard *.domain.xyz
If I connect through the tunnel and set a the service directly, then it works. So I assume the tunnel is working properly with this config.yaml. Since I use a wildcard DNS, any subdomain goes to the same host at
tunnel: UUID
credentials-file: /etc/cloudflared/UUID.json
- hostname: '*.domain.xyz'
- service: http_status:404
However, if I direct the hostname to my caddy server I expect it to work as a reverse proxy to all configured subdomains. Unfortunately I get Error 502 Bad Gateway. Here is the config.yaml
tunnel: UUID
credentials-file: /etc/cloudflared/UUID.json
- hostname: '*.domain.xyz'
- service: http_status:404
4. Error messages and/or full log output:
Here is the log on the cloudflared docker container:
07T16:00:52Z ERR error="Unable to reach the origin service. The service may be down or it may not be responding to traffic from cloudflared: remote error: tls: internal error" cfRay=6f83fa88eb569be2-FRA ingressRule=0 originService=,
2022-04-07T16:00:52Z ERR Failed to handle QUIC stream error="Unable to reach the origin service. The service may be down or it may not be responding to traffic from cloudflared: remote error: tls: internal error" connIndex=1
5. What I already tried:
I tried different instructions from different forums, but could not get the right way to use Caddy reverse proxy with a wildcard. I think I went far enough to make cloudflared work, but not with Caddy.
These are some of the links I tried, besides searching in Caddy and Cloudflare community, reddit and google: