1. Output of caddy version
: v2.5.1 h1:bAWwslD1jNeCzDa+jDCNwb8M3UJ2tPa8UZFFzPVmGKs=
2. How I run Caddy:
Two caddy servers primarily for reverse-proxying. One server is internet facing, and the other is on internal vpn.
a. System environment:
Linux Ubuntu, Docker
b. Command:
c. Service/unit/compose file:
d. My complete Caddy config:
External Internet-Reachable Caddyfile:
https://service1.externalinternet.com {
reverse_proxy https://service1.vpn {
header_up Host {http.reverse_proxy.upstream.host}
https://service2.externalinternet.com {
reverse_proxy https://service2.vpn {
header_up Host {http.reverse_proxy.upstream.host}
https://service3.externalinternet.com {
reverse_proxy https://service3.vpn {
header_up Host {http.reverse_proxy.upstream.host}
https://service4.externalinternet.com {
reverse_proxy https://service4.vpn {
header_up Host {http.reverse_proxy.upstream.host}
Internal VPN Caddyfile:
https://service1.vpn {
reverse_proxy https://docker1 {
trusted_proxies private_ranges
https://service2.vpn {
reverse_proxy https://docker2 {
trusted_proxies private_ranges
https://service3.vpn {
reverse_proxy https://docker3 {
trusted_proxies private_ranges
https://service4.vpn {
reverse_proxy https://docker4 {
trusted_proxies private_ranges
3. The problem I’m having:
I am running 2 caddy servers for reverse proxying. One server is reachable from the external internet, and the other is on an internal vpn only accessible from vpn clients. I have 4 docker-based services running behind the internal vpn caddy server. DNS and TLS all work fine and correctly. This configuration is mostly derived from this article (Use Caddy for local HTTPS (TLS) between front-end reverse proxy and LAN hosts)
5. What I already tried:
Based on this setup, everything is working correctly except for one service, service4. All 4 services require a login process. However, when accessing service4 from the outer Caddy instance, i.e. https://service4.externalinternet.com, it will redirect to https://service4.vpn after logging in. If I reload https://service4.externalinternet.com, then I am logged into service4 with external hostname (https://service4.externalinternet.com), and I can proceed to navigate the site. The same behavior occurs when logging out of the site. It will redirect to https://service4.vpn rather than https://service4.externalinternet.com.
If I add “header_up Host {header.X-Forwarded-Host}” to the reverse_proxy block of service4 on the backend Caddy server, then everything works correctly when accessing via the external internet hostname - logging in/out will redirect to external internet-based hostname (https://service4.externalinternet.com). However, when accessing service4 via the vpn, i.e. https://service4.vpn, it will redirect to https://docker4 rather than https://service4.vpn, when logging in/out. I can think of a few contrived ways to handle this specific situation for service4, but is there a clean and correct way to handle this? I apologize for my ignorance on this matter, this is not an area of software engineering that I am entirely familiar with.
Thank you for all of the hard work put into Caddy, and thank you in advance for your time on this matter.