Caddy as reverse proxy and acme-server with my own root-certificate in one docker container?

1. Caddy version (caddy version):

2.5.1 (docker)

2. How I run Caddy:

docker compose up -d

a. System environment:

Debian Bullseye; Docker (version 20.10.17, build 100c701)

b. Command:

Paste command here.

c. Service/unit/compose file:

version: ‘3.5’

image: caddy:latest
restart: unless-stopped
container_name: caddy
- 80:80
- 443:443
- /etc/caddy/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile
- /etc/caddy/cert.pem:/etc/caddy/cert.pem:ro
- “/etc/ssl/certs/00_ca.pem:/etc/ssl/ca_cert.pem:ro”
- “/etc/ssl/private/00_ca.key:/etc/ssl/ca_key.pem:ro”
- “caddy-config:/config”
- “caddy-data:/data”
- LOG_FILE=/data/access.log
- baikal-network

external: true
name: baikal_baikal-network

d. My complete Caddyfile or JSON config:

# General Options

    # PKI Options
    pki {
            ca acme {
                    name            "Caddy ACME Server"
                    root {
                            format pem
                            cert   /etc/ssl/ca_cert.pem
                            key    /etc/ssl/ca_key.pem


acme_server {
ca local

Baikal ### Baikal ### Baikal ### Baikal ### Calendarserver ####### Baikal

########################################################################################### {
# This setting may have compatibility issues with some browsers
# (e.g., attachment downloading on Firefox). Try disabling this
# if you encounter issues.
encode gzip

    # Proxy everything to calendarserver
    reverse_proxy baikal_nginx:80
    tls {
            ca /etc/ssl/ca_cert.pem


3. The problem I’m having:

Is it possible to run Caddy in one container and that it acts as a reverse proxy and as acme server which use my own root certificate to create the certificates for the services?
I have one server with some services on it. Every service is running in its own docker container/stack and to separate them every service has its own network and its own subdomain. I already created my own root ca and intermediate and the certificates of this ca are accepted on all devices but it is really time consuming (and annoying) to renew and create new certificates all the time.
Or is it better to use one Caddy container as reverse proxy and one container as acme server?

4. Error messages and/or full log output:

caddy | {“level”:“info”,“ts”:1656939407.3449724,“msg”:“using provided configuration”,“config_file”:“/etc/caddy/Caddyfile”,“config_adapter”:“caddyfile”}
caddy | run: adapting config using caddyfile: /etc/caddy/Caddyfile:21: unrecognized directive: ca
caddy exited with code 0
caddy exited with code 0
caddy exited with code 1
caddy exited with code 1

5. What I already tried:

Added a tls block to the global options but I got confused and removed it

6. Links to relevant resources:

This is not correct; acme_server is a directive, it goes within a site block. Here, you configured Caddy as if acme_server is one of your domain names.

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But to be honest, is there a howto or a blog post with working examples?
Something like:
How to enable the acme server in Caddy and the 4-5 configuration entries you really need in the Caddy-file.
Use your own ca-certificate with the amce server => add this settings in the Caddy-file.
Your Caddy is your reverse proxy? Use these settings to get certificates for your services from your acme server.

The configuration of Caddy is very minimalistic und short but sometimes (for me) not easy to understand.

This wiki is a pretty good guide for setting up mutual TLS using Caddy’s ACME server:

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I am not sure if it is exactly what I was searching for but this wiki-entry looks promising :slight_smile:

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