ZeroSSL + DNS Challenge failing often (Route53 plugin)

1. Caddy version (caddy version):

v2.4.3 h1:Y1FaV2N4WO3rBqxSYA8UZsZTQdN+PwcoOcAiZTM8C0I= (linux version)
v2.4.5 h1:P1mRs6V2cMcagSPn+NWpD+OEYUYLIf6ecOa48cFGeUg= (macos version)

2. How I run Caddy:



ExecStart=/usr/bin/caddy run --environ --config /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
ExecReload=/usr/bin/caddy reload --config /etc/caddy/Caddyfile


a. System environment:

$ lsb_release -a

No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
Release:	20.04
Codename:	focal

b. Command:

sudo systemctl start caddy.service

c. Service/unit/compose file:

see above

d. My complete Caddyfile or JSON config:

        on_demand_tls {
    acme_eab {
        key_id  nope
        mac_key nope-nope


:443 {


    # allow password reset
    @api_password_reset {
        header_regexp apihost Host api\.(.*)
        path /password_reset*
    handle @api_password_reset {
        redir https://www.{re.apihost.1}{uri} permanent

    # allow activate
    @api_activate {
        header_regexp apihost Host api\.(.*)
        path /activate*
    handle @api_activate {
        redir https://www.{re.apihost.1}{uri} permanent

    # allow admin
    @api_admin {
        header Host api.*
        path /admin*
    handle @api_admin {
    # allow crossbar-api-clients
    @api_client {
        header Host api.*
        header User-Agent crossbar-api-client
    handle @api_client {
        reverse_proxy {
                fail_duration 0s
                max_fails 100000
                unhealthy_status 5xx

    # api static assets
    @api_static {
        header Host api.*
        path /static*
    handle @api_static {
        file_server /static/* {
            root /var/www/cb/api/api/

    # api media assets
    @api_media {
        header Host api.*
        path /media*
    handle @api_static {
        file_server /media/* {
            root /var/www/cb/api/api/
    # send non crossbar-api-clients to 403 - must go last!
    @api_the_rest {
        header Host api.*
    handle @api_the_rest {
        header {
            Content-Type "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
        respond "Forbidden ē¦ę­¢ć®" 403

    @marketing_app header Host
    handle @marketing_app {

    @www_app header Host
    handle @www_app {
        file_server /static/* {
            root /var/www/cb/www/
    handle @www_app {

    @app header Host www.*

    # serve static files
    handle @app {
        file_server /static/* {
            root /var/www/cb/app/
    # proxy to uwsgi server and/or redirec to www
    handle @app {

    # send non-www to www
    @needs_www {
        not header Host api.*
    handle @needs_www {
        redir https://www.{host}{uri}

    # old domain redirects
    @crossbarhq_root header Host
    handle @crossbarhq_root {
        redir{uri} permanent
    @crossbarhq_www header Host
    handle @crossbarhq_www {
        redir{uri} permanent

    tls {
        dns route53 {
            max_retries 10
            aws_profile "default"

    log {
        output file /tmp/caddy.log {
            roll_size 100MiB
            roll_keep 10
            roll_keep_for 336h

3. The problem Iā€™m having:

When using ZeroSSL + DNS challenge it often fails to generate a cert.

4. Error messages and/or full log output:

2021/10/04 00:18:32.803	DEBUG	tls.handshake	no matching certificates and no custom selection logic	{"identifier": ""}
2021/10/04 00:18:32.803	DEBUG	tls.handshake	no matching certificates and no custom selection logic	{"identifier": "*.com"}
2021/10/04 00:18:32.803	DEBUG	tls.handshake	no matching certificates and no custom selection logic	{"identifier": "*.*"}
2021/10/04 00:18:32.862	INFO	tls.on_demand	obtaining new certificate	{"server_name": ""}
2021/10/04 00:18:32.863	INFO	tls.obtain	acquiring lock	{"identifier": ""}
2021/10/04 00:18:32.888	INFO	tls.obtain	lock acquired	{"identifier": ""}
2021/10/04 00:18:33.252	DEBUG	tls.obtain	trying issuer 1/2	{"issuer": ""}
2021/10/04 00:18:33.252	INFO	tls.issuance.acme	waiting on internal rate limiter	{"identifiers": [""], "ca": "", "account": ""}
2021/10/04 00:18:33.252	INFO	tls.issuance.acme	done waiting on internal rate limiter	{"identifiers": [""], "ca": "", "account": ""}
2021/10/04 00:18:33.516	DEBUG	tls.issuance.acme.acme_client	http request	{"method": "HEAD", "url": "", "headers": {"User-Agent":["Caddy/2.4.5 CertMagic acmez (darwin; amd64)"]}, "response_headers": {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin":["*"],"Cache-Control":["max-age=-1"],"Content-Type":["application/octet-stream"],"Date":["Mon, 04 Oct 2021 00:18:33 GMT"],"Link":["<>;rel=\"index\""],"Replay-Nonce":["ubEBj5DN-kpRAL6whc-cak7LBSpVuPggnYf3y11ifqI"],"Server":["nginx"],"Strict-Transport-Security":["max-age=15552000"]}, "status_code": 200}
2021/10/04 00:18:33.734	DEBUG	tls.issuance.acme.acme_client	http request	{"method": "POST", "url": "", "headers": {"Content-Type":["application/jose+json"],"User-Agent":["Caddy/2.4.5 CertMagic acmez (darwin; amd64)"]}, "response_headers": {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin":["*"],"Cache-Control":["max-age=0, no-cache, no-store","max-age=-1"],"Content-Length":["279"],"Content-Type":["application/json"],"Date":["Mon, 04 Oct 2021 00:18:33 GMT"],"Location":[""],"Replay-Nonce":["4GxHoc_bjLW-D-2Rm7rQ6JJHUnSv1asOwwb_DsVFKNA"],"Server":["nginx"],"Status":[""],"Strict-Transport-Security":["max-age=15552000"]}, "status_code": 201}
2021/10/04 00:18:33.840	DEBUG	tls.issuance.acme.acme_client	http request	{"method": "POST", "url": "", "headers": {"Content-Type":["application/jose+json"],"User-Agent":["Caddy/2.4.5 CertMagic acmez (darwin; amd64)"]}, "response_headers": {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin":["*"],"Cache-Control":["max-age=-1"],"Content-Length":["447"],"Content-Type":["application/json"],"Date":["Mon, 04 Oct 2021 00:18:33 GMT"],"Link":["<>;rel=\"index\""],"Replay-Nonce":["3Y4WgomJf6n009oZIdj0Xrw1hRcEAK_z_7JPHkgGT3A"],"Retry-After":["5"],"Server":["nginx"],"Strict-Transport-Security":["max-age=15552000"]}, "status_code": 200}
2021/10/04 00:18:33.840	DEBUG	tls.issuance.acme.acme_client	no solver configured	{"challenge_type": "http-01"}
2021/10/04 00:18:33.840	INFO	tls.issuance.acme.acme_client	trying to solve challenge	{"identifier": "", "challenge_type": "dns-01", "ca": ""}
2021/10/04 00:19:13.165	DEBUG	tls.issuance.acme.acme_client	http request	{"method": "POST", "url": "", "headers": {"Content-Type":["application/jose+json"],"User-Agent":["Caddy/2.4.5 CertMagic acmez (darwin; amd64)"]}, "response_headers": {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin":["*"],"Cache-Control":["max-age=-1"],"Content-Length":["163"],"Content-Type":["application/json"],"Date":["Mon, 04 Oct 2021 00:19:13 GMT"],"Link":["<>;rel=\"index\"","<>;rel=\"up\""],"Replay-Nonce":["30O3m42KlBPurhyjzzFj0AvCod-01OAwC-5oDFG5VvI"],"Retry-After":["10"],"Server":["nginx"],"Strict-Transport-Security":["max-age=15552000"]}, "status_code": 200}
2021/10/04 00:19:13.166	DEBUG	tls.issuance.acme.acme_client	challenge accepted	{"identifier": "", "challenge_type": "dns-01"}
2021/10/04 00:19:13.515	DEBUG	tls.issuance.acme.acme_client	http request	{"method": "POST", "url": "", "headers": {"Content-Type":["application/jose+json"],"User-Agent":["Caddy/2.4.5 CertMagic acmez (darwin; amd64)"]}, "response_headers": {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin":["*"],"Cache-Control":["max-age=-1"],"Content-Length":["316"],"Content-Type":["application/json"],"Date":["Mon, 04 Oct 2021 00:19:13 GMT"],"Link":["<>;rel=\"index\""],"Replay-Nonce":["frQj5OfSJ7SDptFl_JJlxerwESaZ8agS1_CVrYvfSJQ"],"Retry-After":["5"],"Server":["nginx"],"Strict-Transport-Security":["max-age=15552000"]}, "status_code": 200}
2021/10/04 00:20:02.861	ERROR	tls.issuance.acme.acme_client	cleaning up solver	{"identifier": "", "challenge_type": "dns-01"}
2021/10/04 00:20:02.861	INFO	tls.issuance.acme.acme_client	validations succeeded; finalizing order	{"order": ""}
2021/10/04 00:20:02.862	WARN	tls.issuance.acme.acme_client	HTTP request failed; retrying	{"url": "", "error": "performing request: Post \"\": context deadline exceeded"}
2021/10/04 00:20:02.862	ERROR	tls.obtain	could not get certificate from issuer	{"identifier": "", "issuer": "", "error": "[] finalizing order attempt 1: context deadline exceeded (ca="}
2021/10/04 00:20:02.862	DEBUG	tls.obtain	trying issuer 2/2	{"issuer": ""}
2021/10/04 00:20:02.862	INFO	tls.issuance.acme	waiting on internal rate limiter	{"identifiers": [""], "ca": "", "account": ""}
2021/10/04 00:20:02.862	ERROR	tls.obtain	could not get certificate from issuer	{"identifier": "", "issuer": "", "error": "context canceled"}
2021/10/04 00:20:02.862	INFO	tls.obtain	releasing lock	{"identifier": ""}
2021/10/04 00:20:02.863	DEBUG	http.stdlib	http: TLS handshake error from [] Obtain: context canceled

5. What I already tried:

Different ways of authenticating with ZeroSSL. Previously I tried email only. Iā€™m currently using the EAB method.

Although I donā€™t think the way Iā€™m authenticating with ZeroSSL is the issue, but it was something easy to try.

It almost seems like a timing or timeout issue with respect to DNS challenge. I had a similar problem with Letā€™s Encrypt, but it would succeed maybe 90% of the time. With ZeroSSL it seems to succeed about 10% of the time. Even worse, with certain domains it seems to never succeed, no many how many times I try. The one above,, it is continually failing, but worked on the second try.

Iā€™m currently trying this locally on my Mac, so the version above calls that out. Iā€™m using the same config as production. Iā€™m just running this manually right now sudo caddy run but Iā€™m worried this is going to fail in production as well.

6. Links to relevant resources

Hmm, I donā€™t think it makes sense to configure the DNS challenge at the same time as on_demand.

The on_demand feature is meant for situations where you donā€™t control the DNS for the domains you need certificates for, e.g. customers pointing their own domains to your server.

The DNS challenge is meant for when you canā€™t solve the HTTP or TLS-ALPN challenges because your server is not directly accessible, or if you need wildcard certificates.

These two usecases are generally mutually exclusive.

Could you explain why youā€™re trying to use these two together?

We provide a service to manage our customersā€™ website. We sign-up new customers frequently enough that we are attempting to automate on boarding, so thereā€™s no manual configuration of certs, configs, etc. That is why we chose on-demand.

99% of the time, these are pre-existing sites with traffic and we want to provide a zero downtime experience when migrating their domain to us, which leads us to the DNS challenge.

So our setup is that we automatically migrate their DNS records to our DNS provider, the customer then updates their registrar to point their name servers to our DNS provider, we detect that, then begin cert generation (and other setup). When the customer is ready, they more or less click ā€˜switchā€™ and they are done. Automatic setup and zero downtime.



My current theory is thereā€™s a timeout issue. Where caddy is aborting the process too early for zerossl + dns challenge specifically.

Can I either increase the overall Caddy context timeout or decrease the time required for generating a cert?

I donā€™t see where to increase Caddyā€™s overall timeout, so Iā€™m trying to decrease the default times for generating a cert. Iā€™m stumbling over the Caddyfile format for it though.

I get
run: adapting config using caddyfile: parsing caddyfile tokens for 'tls': Caddyfile:157 - Error during parsing: cannot mix issuer subdirective (explicit issuers) with other issuer-specific subdirectives (implicit issuers) The line number it is complaining about is the final brace for the tls directive.

Any suggestions?

    tls {
        # forcing RSA ciphers and certs
        key_type rsa2048
        dns route53 {
            max_retries 10
            aws_profile "default"
        issuer zerossl {
            propagation_timeout 30s
            timeout 120s

    } # this is line 157 from the error above

This error is telling you that some options you configured in tls block need to be moved to inside your issuer zerossl block, because otherwise thereā€™s a conflict.

I think specifically, the ca option can simply be removed, itā€™s redundant, since youā€™re already configuring issuer zerossl which already uses that CA path.

As for the timeout issue, you could try adjusting propagation_timeout, to make Caddy wait longer before giving up on DNS propagation.

Iā€™ve asked @matt to take a look at this one when he finds the time, Iā€™m not sure what problem youā€™re running into otherwise.

I figured out the correct format for the tls directive for zerossl. truncated down for others to use.

i tried various timeouts and nothing seemed to impact the results. from propagation_timeout of 20s and timeout of 30s on up to whatā€™s below.

:443 {
    tls {
        # forcing RSA ciphers and certs
        key_type rsa2048
        issuer zerossl {
            propagation_timeout 120s
            timeout 240s
            dns route53 {
                max_retries 10
                aws_profile "default"

@matt any suggestions?

My troll answer is to simply use both so you have 90%+10% = 100% success :sweat_smile:

Iā€™ve seen quite a few errors on ā€œfinalizing orderā€ before with the ZeroSSL endpoints. It looks like ā€œcontext cancelledā€ is happening, and that usually happens when things take too long (especially with on-demand, which is blocking, so it canā€™t take very long). If ZeroSSL isnā€™t sending a response within 2 minutes, Iā€™m not sure what to tell you other than to contact ZeroSSL supportā€¦ Iā€™d be happy to work with their team if they have any logs or other information useful for debugging if it is a server issue.

Also, make sure you use curl when testing as I donā€™t know what kind of funkiness browsers do with regards to TLS connections.

Re: using both. We would like to move 100% to ZeroSSL for better client support.

We have some users on old versions of MacOS that are unable to connect to the current LE cert. Since these users are our customerā€™s customers, we canā€™t tell them to just upgrade their computer.

Re: curl, yep, I am. Itā€™s how weā€™re pre-generating certs ahead of time for the switch over. For those that might find it usefulā€¦

curl -v --resolve "$1":443: https://"$1"

Then with Caddy running locally (make sure you sudo):


You can switch out the 127 IP for whatever IP is running Caddy. This works best with DNS challenges since you can do it regardless of your DNS routing and accessibility.

Thanks @matt I just filed a request with ZeroSSL and linked to this thread. Iā€™ll post back when I hear something.

1 Like

Thanks, good to know.

Of course it is possible itā€™s a bug in Caddy, but itā€™s weird that only a certain domain always fails, others work on the second try, and others work fineā€¦ we also have several other users configured for ZeroSSL at a fairly large scale and I havenā€™t heard of any ongoing issues.

On-demand TLS ops are limited to 90 seconds because they block TLS handshakes, and blocking a connection for more than 90 seconds seems bad, even 90 is probably way too long.

Hereā€™s the relevant code:

Thanks for the follow up.

Are we the odd duck here with using on-demand and DNS challenge? Based on some questions about how weā€™re doing things (see above for example), I get the feeling weā€™re treading a less worn path.

Iā€™ve considered forking the necessary repos to test out overriding the 90 seconds to something like 3 minutes. Given that weā€™re DNS based, Iā€™m not terribly concerned with the time it takes.

Iā€™ve very much a golang novice, so I wasnā€™t sure how much of a rabbit hole that would lead me down. I see about 25 references to throughout caddy and the modules. Push comes to shove, change those references and alias to certmagic?

Hopefully ZeroSSL can provide some guidance before I go down that path, but itā€™s always good to have more paths to a solution.

Cheers and thanks for an awesome project!
Josh A

Yeah, definitely. I think most service providers advise pointing an A or CNAME record, rather than NS record, to their server.

I would be interested to know if that helps.

Just add a replace to your go.mod file to point to your fork and you should be good to go. No other changes needed to use your fork. Go Modules Reference - The Go Programming Language

Why do you need the DNS challenge, again? For wildcards?

Sorry, the odd duck is in reference to combining Caddy on-demand and DNS challenge, not name servers. We use name servers over CNAME because we manage more than just their website.

I outlined the reason weā€™ve gone down on-demand & DNS-challenge path above: ZeroSSL + DNS Challenge failing often (Route53 plugin) - #3 by jjanyan

Thanks for the replace idea, Iā€™ll see how it goes with ZeroSSL and might give that a try.


Understood, but that is still unusual.

Right, but I still donā€™t fully understand why you need DNS challenge. You say this:

but you donā€™t explain what that path that ā€œleads you toā€ the DNS challenge actually is. The DNS challenge is useful if:

  • you need wildcard certs, or
  • you cannot open/use one of ports 80 or 443

and thatā€™s usually about it. What is your requirement?

So if the DNS challenge is what is causing the timeouts, one way around this might be to use the default challenge types if you can.

Still, let me know what you find out.

Our main reason for going down the DNS path was to eliminate any chance of downtime when we cut users over to our platform. This could be due to letā€™s encrypt downtime or maintenance while our system (which has the goal of being 100% automated) is in the process of migrating a customer.

So we looked and it seemed like a ā€œwell, DNS is an option that seems like we can ensure 100% cut over successā€ because we can pre-fetch the certs and verify everything is working with them in place before transitioning. 100% bulletproof automation.

Unfortunately, it seems the DNS challenge is the less worn path and has some kinks to be worked out.

Now, we didnā€™t predict this ahead of time, but an unexpected benefit was when I needed to switch from EC certs to RSA for Microsoftā€™s calendar integration. If I understand it correctly, to get a new cert with a different cipher, you need the proper config in place, then remove the current cert, then reload caddy to force the cert out of memory and kick the cert generation process off.

Since I solved via DNS challenge, Iā€™m not 100% sure how this looks via the HTTP challenge path. I believe with HTTP challenge Iā€™d need to spin up a new server and migrate domains from one to the other. About ten domains per minute because of the, reasonable, rate limiting. Is that correct? Not a huge ask, but sort of a bummer to babysit that and thereā€™s some increased risk, however small.

With the DNS auth, I generated a list of domains and subdomains, spun up Caddy locally, executed a script similar to the one I posted above, and went to bed. The next morning I copied the certs to production and restarted the server. No babysitting a process and no risk. Seems great to me.

If the DNS challenge was more bulletproof in cert generation, Iā€™d be shouting the praises of it over HTTP challenges. HTTP is great, but if you can bother with the DNS setup, Iā€™d go with DNS challenge every time. Am I missing something?

If you share the storage between your Caddy instances, you wouldnā€™t need to re-issue any certificates.

The rate limit in v2.4.5 is currently 20 per minute, but will be increased in the next release to 10 per 10 seconds (effectively 60 per minute). This rate limit was kept more aggressive earlier due to concerns and apprehension that it would be too fast and floor ACME CAs, but now that Caddy supports two issuers by default, that concern is lessened.

The DNS challenge generally works pretty well, but itā€™s totally dependent on the DNS providerā€™s API not sucking (a lot do, e.g. Namecheap) or that they even have an API (e.g. Google DNS, no API at all) and that they propagate records quickly enough. I donā€™t know where Route53 falls in all that, I donā€™t use AWS and I havenā€™t spoken to enough users who use it to say.

But HTTP/TLS-ALPN doesnā€™t depend on any external entities, so itā€™s more reliable. You just need to have your server be publicly reachable on ports 80/443.

Thanks for the response @francislavoie

If I have a server currently configured to generate and use EC certs (the default) and I spin up a new server thatā€™s configured to generate and use RSA certs and those servers share storage, there wonā€™t be a problem? I donā€™t see anything in the cert file path that would differentiate between RSA and EC certs, so Iā€™m curious how that would work.
I would think there would be a problem on one server or the other when it attempts to fetch the cert for and itā€™s the wrong type, right? If a request comes in on A (EC) and it sees an EC cert, it should use it. A request comes in on B (RSA) and it sees an EC cert, Iā€™d imagine itā€™d stop, go get an RSA cert, then overwrite the cert on the file system. Repeating an infinite loop until something breaks.
Maybe either A or B will serve whatever cert is available and the config is just for cert generation, not serving? In which case, Iā€™d still need to delete the cert out from both servers and hope traffic goes to server B first to generate a RSA cert, which would effectively be migrating domains a group at a time.
Iā€™m very curious what Iā€™m misunderstanding, either with certs in general or Caddy.

Iā€™m not sure what all entails not sucking beyond not having an API. AWS has an API and I guess it works well enough? I tried configuring the propagation timeout to 2 minutes and I was still having issues. Iā€™d usually see the proper value from Route53 (AWS DNS) in about 20 seconds or less (via dig), so I think ZeroSSL/LE should have plenty of time to see it. For ZeroSSL I even considered DNS caching could be an issue, so I waited a day (very extreme I know) before trying a given domain again but with no success. But the more I think about it, the less Iā€™m sure itā€™s anything Route53 related. LE worked with pretty good reliability. Worst case, Iā€™d try generating a cert 2x before everything worked. Based on that, it seems to either be an issue on ZeroSSLā€™s end or a subtle misunderstanding of the dance (and the timing) between Caddy and ZeroSSL.

I really appreciate the questions and answers. Itā€™s been a great learning experience.


Thatā€™s possible, and if it turns out to be the case, weā€™ll get it fixed.

Huh, me tooā€¦ one would overwrite or at least take precedence over the other, thatā€™s for sure ā€“ but an ambiguous configuration like that sounds like a bad idea in the first place.

Iā€™m not sure about that. Itā€™d probably just use it without even thinking about the key type. Basically, it would ignore your preference for RSA in that hypothetical scenario.

In general, itā€™s not a good idea to mix configurations that share storage so that they conflict with each other. I still donā€™t understand why this is necessary, itā€™s definitely the first time Iā€™ve heard of something like this. Half the cluster serving RSA and the other half serving EC. Can you help me understand the motivation for that and how you came to that being the best solution? (Iā€™m learning here too.)

The replies you quoted were in response to @francislavoie suggestion (as I understood it), not what Iā€™m doing.

Mattā€™s point still stands though ā€“ why do you need Caddy instances with different configurations that may serve the same domains? Itā€™s not clear why you brought up the issue of certificate migration.

If you need to have multiple instances serving the same domains, then make them share the same storage. If you need to use RSA for client compatibility, then make sure all the instances are configured to use RSA keys.

1 Like

Yeah, I know. I just thought you brought up some good thinking points. :slight_smile: I really want to understand how our business users are using Caddy.