Webtrees configuration example

I would like to share the configuration I use for webtrees genealogy application. In webtrees versions prior to 1.7.11, the configuration required a small modification to includes/session.php, but thankfully this is no longer the case.

The configuration was originally provided to me by @abiosoft

https://yoursite.com {
    tls your@email.com
    root /var/www/webtrees

    fastcgi / unix:/var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock php 

    internal /forbidden

    rewrite {
        r ^/data
        to /forbidden

    log /var/log/www/access.log {
        rotate_size      50
        rotate_age       7
        rotate_keep      5
    errors /var/log/www/error.log {
        rotate_size      50
        rotate_age       7
        rotate_keep      5

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