Webdav Multiuser

1. Caddy version (caddy version):

2.4.6 + webdav plugin

2. How I run Caddy:

a. System environment:

OS : Ubuntu 20.04
Docker : 20.10.12
AlpineX latest version

b. Command:

caddy start

c. Service/unit/compose file:

d. My complete Caddyfile or JSON config:

        root * /home/webdav

        route {
                rewrite /dav /dav/
                basicauth {
                        {$user} {$password}
                webdav /dav/* {
                        prefix /dav
                file_server browse

3. The problem I’m having:

I want to have more than one webdav user with its own folder separately.

4. Error messages and/or full log output:

Only one user only can be created and be used.

5. What I already tried:

Tried some config but everything gives error

6. Links to relevant resources:

What did you try? What errors?


I did test some config like :

Config 1 :

        root * /home/webdav/USER1

        route {
                rewrite /dav /dav/
                basicauth {
                        {$user1} {$password1}
                webdav /dav/* {
                        prefix /dav
                file_server browse
		 root * /home/webdav/USER2

        route {
                rewrite /dav /dav/
                basicauth {
                        {$user2} {$password2}
                webdav /dav/* {
                        prefix /dav
                file_server browse


Config 2 :

	basicauth / super userpwd
	basicauth / user2 userpwd
	basicauth / user3 userpwd
	basicauth / user4 userpwd
	webdav {
		scope /home/DATA/webdav
		scope /home/DATA/webdav/.user2
		scope /home/DATA/webdav/.user3
		scope /home/DATA/webdav/.user3
	log /etc/caddy/access-webdav.log

Example of error :

INFO    using adjacent Caddyfile
run: adapting config using caddyfile: parsing caddyfile tokens for 'webdav': Caddyfile:15 - Error during parsing: unrecognized subdirective: super:

I tried this too but all user is logged into the same directory. I need each user has their own directory.

        root * /home/webdav

        route {
                rewrite /dav /dav/
                basicauth {
				{user1} {passwordhas1}
                {user2} {passwordhas2}
                webdav /dav/* {
                        prefix /dav

Please help me

What you could do is this, i.e. use the username as the directory to set as root:

route /dav* {
	rewrite /dav /dav/
	basicauth {
		bob <password>
		alice <password>

	root * /home/webdav/{http.auth.user.id}

	webdav {
		prefix /dav


I’ve tried the example config :
Some errors occurs.

  1. On Webdav Client, get error 404
    url config :
  1. On Docker log :
ERROR   http.handlers.webdav    internal handler error  {"error": "stat /home/webdav/bob: no such file or directory", "request": {"remote_addr": "someaddr", "proto": "HTTP/1.1", "method": "PROPFIND", "host": "somehost", "uri": "/dav/", "headers": {"Content-Length": ["156"], "Connection": ["Keep-Alive"], "User-Agent": ["WebDAV 123"], "Authorization": ["Basic 123"], "Accept-Encoding": ["gzip"], "Depth": ["1"], "Content-Type": ["text/xml"]}}}

Does /home/webdav/bob actually exist?

I was giving those usernames as examples. Put in the exact username you want to support in there instead.

After some trial and error it works.

I just need the url to be :

No need to add user dir at the end.

If you don’t mind, I want to ask another problem.

Is it possible to have the folders publicly accessible? and served using Digestauth.
Previously I can access it with file_server browse and basicauth.


I created “bob” folder beforehand.

So the full url is


Hi @francislavoie

Is it do able?
Having both active at the same time (WebDav and File_server browse with authentication).

I can do Webdav + File_server browse but not with the authentication.
Am I missing something here?


Finally I can make this work. Webdav multiuser with their own folder and is accessible through public (http port 443) and also with authentication.

Thanks @francislavoie for your help.

Maybe this was an easy steps for everyone here but not for me unfortunately.

Anyway, I will change the status to Solved now.


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