Web panel plugin to manage domain / path redirect?


We are considering caddy as a reverse proxy for our farm of servers.
As dev can create their own virtual servers and docker machine, we would like a self-service panel to help them map a Internet (sub)domain or path to a internal backend (currently, this function is provided by manually vhost files :frowning: and caddy would be an exciting solution to the certificate provisioning tasks)

Is there a plugin for this ?
Otherwise, how would you address this need differently ?

Kind regards to Caddy maintainers

Sounds like a great application for Caddy’s API! API — Caddy Documentation

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Hello Matt,

I believe in the power of Caddy API (one reason why I push for it) but the team is hoping for a point-and-click web UI like https://nginxproxymanager.com/
Does it exist something similar in the Caddy ecosystem ?

Sincerely, JPh

I haven’t heard of one, but it’d be cool to see one! I’d like to build one, but have been too busy to do so without sponsors commissioning that project specifically. Just haven’t seen enough demand for it I guess.

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