Using net server type for minecraft, how to "forward client IP" to the host?

As titled, i’m running Minecraft, and it currently works in regards to using the net plugin to proxy the port.
What i’m trying to figure out is that when a player connects, the MC host only gets the proxy’s IP logged as the client instead of the IP of the connecting player. Is there a way to pass/forward the connecting client IP through?

If this helps, this is how i have it set up:
In Minecraft player connects to (minecraft’s default port is 25565).
“Caddy-net” runs on a vm on ip
host mcadmin has a service running that hosts minecraft on a different port: 19132

the Caddyfile I use for Caddy-net:

proxy :25565 mcadmin:19132 {
  tls off

This is user data of a friend who connects from across the country:

Hi @Namekal,

I don’t believe this is possible.

Keep in mind that strictly speaking, it’s not really possible for Caddy’s HTTP server, either; the standard for transmitting that information is to include it in an optional X-Forwarded-For or X-Real-IP HTTP header, and the upstream server is expected to look for and use that information.

With a TCP proxy, you’re not sending any headers, it’s just passing packets between the client and the upstream server.

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