Trying to enable the maintenance page

1. The problem I’m having:

I am trying to have all requests go to the maintenance page. Here is the code I have

(maintenance) {
    @maintenance file /shared/pages/maintenance.html
    handle @maintenance {
        rewrite * /shared/pages/maintenance.html
        file_server {
            status 503
} {
    encode gzip

    # log {
    #     output file logs/site_access.log
    #     format json
    # }

    import maintenance

    handle_path /zoomverify/* {
        header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Content-Type"
        header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
        root * /zoomverify

    root * /site

    import redirected

2. Error messages and/or full log output:

The site is still loading. The maintenance page is not showing.

3. Caddy version:


@francislavoie any ideas?

That’s a pretty old version. Please upgrade to the latest.

Where is your file on disk? Is it in /site?

Sorry, just checked the Caddy version is v2.5.2.

Additionally, I would upgrade to the latest but currently does not compile the latest version + godaddy plugin.

No, it is in d:/shared/pages/maintenance.html ( fyi, adding the d: did not make a difference )

You can build it yourself, it’s very easy: Build from source — Caddy Documentation

What do you mean by “the site” exactly? Show a request that does what you mean.

If you mean your /zoomverify handle, the problem is likely because of directive sorting – directives (of the same kind) with a single path matcher are sorted higher than directives with any other kind of matcher.

You can see the effective order by adapting your Caddyfile to JSON with caddy adapt --pretty.

You can use the route directive to wrap the parts of config for which you want to enforce a particular order.

I edited my previous response. Sorry.

I would expect the maintenance page to show. However, the regular website is loading.

@francislavoie is it possible the maintenance mode is not getting activated/ triggered?

Then that’s your problem. The file directive is scoped to your configured root. You need to either change the root directive to match, or use the long-form for the file matcher to override the root. See the docs.

What is the long-form? Do you have an example?

@francislavoie here is my config file. What do I need to change?

(maintenance) {
    @maintenance file d:/web/
    handle @maintenance {
        rewrite * d:/web/
        file_server {
            status 503

(redirected) {
    @redirected {
        not path /inc/* /cfc/* /js/* /css/* /shared/* /lucee/* /.well-known/* /zoomverify/*
        path *
    rewrite @redirected /index.cfm?{query}&path={path}
} {
    encode gzip

    # log {
    #     output file logs/site_access.log
    #     format json
    # }

    import maintenance

    import ../security-headers.conf
    import ../lucee.conf

    handle_path /shared/* {
        header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Content-Type"
        header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
        root * d:/web/

    handle_path /.well-known/* {
        header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Content-Type"
        header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
        root * d:/web/

    handle_path /zoomverify/* {
        header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Content-Type"
        header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
        root * d:/web/

    root * d:/web/

    import redirected

The docs explain:

@francislavoie Do you see anything wrong in my config. I did relocate the maintenance file into the root, as you had suggested. Would you please let me know if you see anything that needs changing in my config?

I don’t think you’ve done that.

Paths to files on disk are assembled by concatenating the root and the path together.

You set the root to /site and your file matcher to /shared/pages/maintenance.html, so it will look for a file at /site/shared/pages/maintenance.html.

Where in the config are you seeing /site?

FYI, the config is posted in my previous post ( not the original description )

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