TLS: error reading preface from client

Hi Matt et al,

In reference to an older issue, Error reading preface from client - #2 by jacob

Hi, I’m a maintainer of, which uses Caddy. At the time of the above issue, it was mentioned that there were no known ill side-effects. I’m facing an issue with the reauth module, and wondering if this might be the culprit. When adding the “failure” line below, HTTPS connections to the Caddy port/path log the output (bottom), and immediately the redirect occurs (successfully). No authentication dialog is presented first. If I remove the failure line, authentication occurs normally. However, if the authentication fails (user mistypes credentials) then a Caddy server error is encountered. I’d like to instead redirect them to the page to attempt the authentication again (or if unsupported behavior then just redirect the user to a static page).

:9090 {
tls self_signed
errors stderr

reauth {
path /
ldap url=ldaps://REMOVED(objectClass=user)(uid=%s))"
failure redirect target={uri}/,code=303
proxy / prometheus:9090 {
} | 2018/10/18 15:46:12 http2: server: error reading preface from client remote error: tls: bad certificate | 2018/10/18 15:47:32 http2: server: error reading preface from client remote error: tls: bad certificate

Hi @Mike_Holloway,

While someone might be able to help you with this here, your best bet would be to bring this to the author of the reauth plugin.

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Thanks Whitestrake, link for search: [ldap] Trying to log in with unknown user yields error 500 · Issue #19 · freman/caddy-reauth · GitHub

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