SSL resumption behind AWS NLB


I have several caddy instances behind an NLB.
I was wondering how I could setup SSL resumption behind the NLB, as it round-robins the servers.

all the servers share the same setup and have the same SSL cetificate.

the config is: {
tls off
log / stdout "{combined} {latency_ms} "
errors visible
header / - Server
proxy / localhost:3032 {
header_upstream Host {host}
header_upstream X-Forwarded-For “{remote}, {X-Forwarded-For}”
header_downstream -X-Powered-By
} {
errors visible
log / stdout “{combined} {latency_ms}”
header / -Server
proxy / localhost:3033 {
header_upstream Host {host}
header_upstream X-Forwarded-For “{remote}, {X-Forwarded-For}”
header_downstream -X-Powered-By

*:80/index.html {
status 200 /

I have seen:
and it states that there is a way to sync all the servers accept connections

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