1. The problem I’m having:
We run Caddy in a cluster with shared S3 storage. We’ve been doing this without any issues or interruptions for more than a year. Certificates are no longer renewing using the ZeroSSL API.
Similar to ZeroSSL certificate query API error after upgrade to Caddy v2.8.4 - #10 by Antonin but they ran into a 64-character limit on the ZeroSSL API side. Not the issue we’re having.
Also similar to Zerossl issuance error after upgrade to Caddy v2.8.0 - #11 by whizzygeeks but I haven’t seen much movement there.
2. Error messages and/or full log output:
"dt": "2024-09-04T03:07:30.600294855+00:00",
"log": {
"attempt": 2,
"elapsed": 64.623345006,
"error": "[www.ginlab.io] Renew: creating certificate: POST https://api.zerossl.com/certificates?access_key=redacted: HTTP 200: API error 2836: csr_cn_is_invalid (details=map[]) (raw={\"success\":false,\"error\":{\"code\":2836,\"type\":\"csr_cn_is_invalid\"}} decode_error=json: unknown field \"success\")",
"level": "error",
"logger": "tls.renew",
"max_duration": 2592000,
"msg": "will retry",
"retrying_in": 120,
"ts": 1725419249.8697977
3. Caddy version:
4. How I installed and ran Caddy:
Using the package from ports and then replacing with our own binary. FreshPorts -- www/caddy: Fast, cross-platform HTTP/2 web server with automatic HTTPS
Xcaddy generated with:
a. System environment:
FreeBSD 14.0 and 14.1
b. Command:
See the package freebsd-ports/www/caddy/files/caddy.in at main · freebsd/freebsd-ports · GitHub
/usr/bin/su -m www -c /usr/bin/caddy start --config /usr/local/etc/caddy/Caddyfile --pidfile /var/run/caddy/caddy.pid >> /var/caddy/caddy.log
d. My complete Caddy config:
This is not my complete Caddyfile/caddy config as it spans dozens of nested files. Most importantly, it has not changed since the last successful renewal.
order coraza_waf first
order cache before rewrite
storage s3 {
host "redacted"
bucket "certs"
access_id "redacted"
secret_key "redacted"
prefix "ssl"
insecure false #disables SSL if true
email noc@skip2.net
cert_issuer zerossl redacted
log default {
format json
level info
output file /var/log/caddy/caddy.log
cache {
cache_name Souin
log_level info
key {
redis {
url redacted
allowed_http_verbs GET POST PATCH
ttl 10s
servers {
trusted_proxies static redacted
client_ip_headers X-Forwarded-For X-Real-IP
https://www.skip2.net {
encode zstd br gzip
import default
import cto
import xfo SAMEORIGIN
import ref same-origin
import hsts "max-age=90; includeSubDomains"
redir /whoami https://{system.hostname}.pop.skip2.net/whoami 301
redir /dashboard https://{system.hostname}.pop.skip2.net/dashboard 301
reverse_proxy /blog* cname.vercel-dns.com {
header_up Host skip2.net
import intercept-errors
reverse_proxy * skip2.netlify.app {
header_up Host skip2.netlify.app
import intercept-errors
import rm-thirdpty-headers
5. Links to relevant resources: