April 22, 2021, 3:11pm
1. Caddy version (caddy version
2. How I run Caddy:
a. System environment:
b. Command:
N/A - Docker
c. Service/unit/compose file:
See above, use docker.
d. My complete Caddyfile or JSON config:
default_sni dulanic.com
acme_ca https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
email {$ACMEEMAIL}
# debug
(proxyheaders) {
flush_interval -1
header_up X-Real-IP {http.request.header.CF-Connecting-IP}
header_up X-Forwarded-For {http.request.header.CF-Connecting-IP}
header_up X-Forwarded-Host {hostport}
(main) {
tls {
dns cloudflare {env.CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN}
header {
Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload"
Content-Security-Policy "upgrade-insecure-requests"
X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"
X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"
X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
Referrer-Policy "strict-origin-when-cross-origin"
log {
output file /logs/caddy.json {
roll_size 100MiB
roll_keep 20
roll_keep_for 365d
level INFO
format filter {
wrap json
fields {
size delete
duration delete
request>headers>Sec-Fetch-Site delete
request>headers>Sec-Fetch-Mode delete
request>headers>Connection delete
request>headers>Authorization delete
request>headers>Cf-Ray delete
request>headers>Accept delete
request>headers>Accept-Encoding delete
request>headers>Cookie delete
request>headers>Cf-Request-Id delete
request>headers>Sec-Fetch-Site delete
request>headers>Sec-Fetch-User delete
request>headers>Content-Length delete
request>headers>Sec-Fetch-Dest delete
request>headers>Cdn-Loop delete
request>headers>Cf-Visitor delete
request>headers>Accept-Language delete
request>headers>X-Forwarded-Proto delete
request>headers>Sec-Ch-Ua delete
request>headers>Dnt delete
request>tls delete
resp_headers delete
(jwt_protected) {
route {
jwt {
trusted_tokens {
static_secret {
token_secret {env.token_shared_secret}
allow roles verified
auth_url https://auth.dulanic.com/auth/
https://subdomain.dulanic.com {
import main
import jwt_protected
reverse_proxy test:4000 {
import proxyheaders
3. The problem I’m having:
This code works placed directly before the reverse_proxy, but not as import jwt_protected. I’d prefer it to be a import as I want to reuuse the snippet in multiple subdomains.
route {
jwt {
trusted_tokens {
static_secret {
token_secret {env.token_shared_secret}
allow roles verified
auth_url https://auth.dulanic.com/auth/
4. Error messages and/or full log output:
{"level":"error","ts":1619101882.4429889,"logger":"http.handlers.authentication","msg":"auth provider returned error","provider":"jwt","error":"jwt-87: token keys and secrets must be defined either via environment variables or via token_ configuration element"}
5. What I already tried:
It works if I put the snippet directly under the path, but not as a snippet. I worked /w @greenpau here. https://github.com/greenpau/caddy-auth-portal/issues/122#issuecomment-824913704
6. Links to relevant resources:
I’m confused. Could you compare the adapted JSON to see where it differs?
Run caddy adapt --pretty
on your Caddyfile and compare.
April 22, 2021, 5:50pm
Looks like it isn’t pulling in the token when it’s in the snippet.
This is the diff between the 2, just moved to the snippet.
1 Like
Interesting, I can replicate the issue.
I think this was a side effect of this feature:
← francislavoie:import-args
opened 07:04AM - 18 May 20 UTC
Stems from the discussion in https://caddy.community/t/logging-snippet-using-hos… t-placeholder-for-log-filename/8218
The idea here is that it's common for users to want to have one element of an imported snippet or file be replaced with a context-specific value.
This PR adds support for `{args.*}` placeholders at Caddyfile-parse time when importing tokens from either a snippet or file, where `*` is the positional argument number.
The `import` syntax becomes:
import <pattern> <args...>
For example, consider this Caddyfile, where a user wants to enable logging using a common config for each of their sites. You'll see that the log filename is expanded to `/var/log/caddy/a.example.com.access.log`:
(logging) {
log {
output file /var/log/caddy/{args.0}.access.log
a.example.com {
import logging a.example.com
b.example.com {
import logging b.example.com
Adapted JSON output:
"logging": {
"logs": {
"default": {
"exclude": [
"log0": {
"writer": {
"filename": "/var/log/caddy/a.example.com.access.log",
"output": "file"
"include": [
"log1": {
"writer": {
"filename": "/var/log/caddy/b.example.com.access.log",
"output": "file"
"include": [
"apps": {
"http": {
"servers": {
"srv0": {
"listen": [
"routes": [
"match": [
"host": [
"terminal": true
"match": [
"host": [
"terminal": true
"logs": {
"logger_names": {
"a.example.com": "log0",
"b.example.com": "log1"
This also supports an arbitrary number of arguments, and supports imported files.
The file `respond.txt`
respond "I am {args.0}, hears {args.1}"
import respond.txt Groot Rocket
import respond.txt you "the confused man"
Adapted JSON:
"apps": {
"http": {
"servers": {
"srv0": {
"listen": [
"routes": [
"match": [
"host": [
"handle": [
"handler": "subroute",
"routes": [
"handle": [
"body": "I am groot, hears rocket",
"handler": "static_response"
"body": "I am you, hears the confused man",
"handler": "static_response"
"terminal": true
I think {env.*}
is being replaced here when it shouldn’t be, so if you don’t have the environment variable set when you’re adapting/running Caddy, import
replaces it with an empty string. I’ll take a look at fixing it.
1 Like
April 28, 2021, 2:04pm
So I’m not sure that fixed it. It is passing the env var name instyead of the value of the env value. This is from the autosave.json, all other env variables show the value except this one.
As I wrote on the PR, that’s working as intended:
← francislavoie:fix-import-placeholders
opened 06:19PM - 22 Apr 21 UTC
See https://caddy.community/t/snippet-issue-works-outside-snippet/12231
So it… turns out that `NewReplacer()` gives a replacer with some global defaults (like `{env.*}` and some system and time placeholders), which is not ideal when running `import` because we just want to replace `{args.*}` only, and nothing else.
May 22, 2021, 3:12pm
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