Reverse proxy WebTools Plex

I am trying to get Plex WebTools to be working with reverse proxy.
This is what I got so far

   proxy /webtools {
		without /webtools

This is the instructions on the site and my config. Does Caddy not support proxypass and proxypass reverse options?

The Base URL text box is used to enter the url required if you are using a proxy server. If you do not use a proxy server, then leave this text box blank.

EG: Your base URL may be something like: /WebTools

If using mod_proxy from Apache something like this should do it:

AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode

ProxyPass /WebTools http://localhost:33400/WebTools nocanon

ProxyPassReverse /WebTools http://localhost:33400/WebTools nocanon```

Solved it was my issue with running multiple plex instances. The configuration above works.

I do have a question. Which approach is the better one?

	proxy /webtools {
		without /webtools

Option 2:

	proxy /webtools {

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