Reverse proxy into docker container sub-path

I’m using caddy v2. I want to reverse proxy two different different subdomains to the same docker container, with different sub-paths. For example if my docker container is called my_app, i want to proxy to my_app:80/dashboard and to my_app:80/api.

I’ve tried following caddy configuration: {
    encode gzip
    reverse_proxy my_app:80/dashboard
} {
    encode gzip
    reverse_proxy my_app:80/api

but it does not seem to work. Can you please tell me what I’m doing wrong here?

In Caddy v2, you can’t specify subpaths on reverse_proxy. Instead, you need to perform a rewrite before proxying: {
	encode gzip
	rewrite * /api{uri}
	reverse_proxy my_app:80

In Caddy v1, that rewrite was done for you implicitly.

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Thanks francis, the solution seems to work for simple HTML sites but since I’m using a nuxt app it is not working apparently because it is not loading the assets (.js and .css) correctly. For example if I try to access it throws a 404 error.

What path is your nuxt backend expecting then? Are you sure you need the /dashboard path prefixed? You might not need a rewrite for that one.

I’ve create an additional subdomain definition without rewrite rule, like so: { <----THIS IS NEW DEFINITION (IT WORKS)
    encode gzip
    reverse_proxy my_app:80
} {
    encode gzip
    rewrite * /dashboard{uri}
    reverse_proxy my_app:80
} {
    encode gzip
    rewrite * /api{uri}
    reverse_proxy my_app:80

The site works for definition (without rewrite rule) and all the assets are loading correctly. (see image below)


However, I need the subdomains to point to a sub-path (not root path like in, and when i inspect the it shows no assets:


Are you sure your nuxt backend is properly configured to expect those paths?

What does your index.html look like (right-click > view source, or Elements tab)? Network tab? Those are more useful than the Sources tab for this.

Looks like you should be setting a base in your nuxt config:

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Yeah, I’m pretty sure that those paths work in backend. For example, when I visit (the subdomain with no rewrite rule) I can view the dashboard page just fine.

However, if I visit the same page via the view is completely blank. Although, in this case when I view the page source, the page has its HTML loaded and it looks like this:

However, if I change the router base property as you suggested (for example with '/dashboard` value), it simply appends the that base to JS resource uri, like so:

“Network” tab shows following erros when is visited:

I’m inclined to think this issue lies with the upstream server.

I’ve tried to demonstrate Caddy’s behaviour here with a simple Caddyfile:

➜ caddy version
v2.1.1 h1:X9k1+ehZPYYrSqBvf/ocUgdLSRIuiNiMo7CvyGUQKeA=

➜ cat Caddyfile
http://:8081 {
  respond "{uri}" 200
} {
  rewrite * /dashboard{uri}
  reverse_proxy localhost:8081
} {
  rewrite * /api{uri}
  reverse_proxy localhost:8081

So we’re only getting 200 responses with a body containing the requested URI. Otherwise we’re replicating identical behaviour to your other sites. A good request is one where the URI is prefixed with the subdomain of the requested site. Giving it a quick shot:

➜ curl --resolve

2020/07/29 16:39:14.644	INFO	http.log.access	handled request	{"request": {"method": "GET", "uri": "/api/stuff", "proto": "HTTP/1.1", "remote_addr": "[::1]:53165", "host": "", "headers": {"User-Agent": ["curl/7.64.1"], "Accept": ["*/*"], "X-Forwarded-For": [""], "X-Forwarded-Proto": ["http"], "Accept-Encoding": ["gzip"]}}, "common_log": "::1 - - [30/Jul/2020:02:39:14 +1000] \"GET /api/stuff HTTP/1.1\" 200 10", "duration": 0.000052311, "size": 10, "status": 200, "resp_headers": {"Server": ["Caddy"], "Content-Type": []}}
➜ curl --resolve

2020/07/29 16:39:18.317	INFO	http.log.access	handled request	{"request": {"method": "GET", "uri": "/dashboard/stuff", "proto": "HTTP/1.1", "remote_addr": "[::1]:53167", "host": "", "headers": {"X-Forwarded-For": [""], "X-Forwarded-Proto": ["http"], "Accept-Encoding": ["gzip"], "User-Agent": ["curl/7.64.1"], "Accept": ["*/*"]}}, "common_log": "::1 - - [30/Jul/2020:02:39:18 +1000] \"GET /dashboard/stuff HTTP/1.1\" 200 16", "duration": 0.000037235, "size": 16, "status": 200, "resp_headers": {"Content-Type": [], "Server": ["Caddy"]}}

Everything is checking out, in terms of server behaviour. How the upstream is discriminating between the two is unclear to me. A client requesting /dashboard/foo to a site with no rewriting should result in an identical path to a client requesting /foo to a site that appends /dashboard, as shown above.


I think you are right. The issue seems with how a nuxt app behaves behind proxy when a sub-path is called. I tried to replicate the same behavior with an express server and it is working just fine.

I’ve opened an issue on nuxt github repo, let see what they have to say about it: Reverse proxying into nuxt app sub-path · Issue #7804 · nuxt/nuxt.js · GitHub

Thanks for helping out.


Good Help. This solved my hours of troubleshooting

@francislavoie @Whitestrake

Well I got an update on the said issue. Here is the reply from one of nuxt team members:

It is expected behavior since you are rewriting URLs to /private{uri} , You are changing URLs of static files too and it ends with 404.
For example app.js is located in _nuxt/static/[some-random]/app.js but after your rewrite Caddy will request private/_nuxt/static/[some-random]/app.js from Nuxt. This file does not exists and it leads to 404

Remove /private prefix from URLs with _nuxt prefix and all static files(png, jpg, gif, …).

So I need to rewrite all urls to /private{uri} except for files located under /_nuxt/ folder. Now my Caddyfile looks like this: {
    encode gzip
    rewrite * /dashboard/{uri}
    rewrite /_nuxt/ /{uri}
    reverse_proxy my_app:80

However, I’m still getting 404 error on all JS files. Is there any issue with my Caddyfile configuration?

If I’m reading this correctly, you only want to do rewrite * /dashboard/{uri} if the URL doesn’t start with /_nuxt, right? Then you’ll want to use a not + path matcher:

@notNuxt not path /_nuxt*
rewrite @notNuxt /dashboard/{uri}

But I’m still just grasping at straws here, I’m still not sure how this is all meant to look :grimacing:

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Yeah, I’m sure that’s what he meant. I’ve gone ahead and tried your provided snippet and it partially works. That means, JS files are now loading correctly but it is loading the root page located at my_app:80 and not my_app:80/dashboard/ (see image below).

I’m not sure why that is, so I’ll have to ask the nuxt team again.

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