Renew SSL manually (From Let's Encrypt)

I Use Caddy as a revers proxy service and SSL of my domains.
Now I have 4 domain in my Caddyfile and I need renew SSL one of this 4 domains.
I know Caddy automatically renew all of SSL but for any reason I need renew manually.
Can I use this command for renew one of my domain:
curl -X POST “http://localhost:2019/id/

also I found another command:
curl -X POST “http://localhost:2019/admin/api/certificates/

Now I confused which of them is correct?
It’s very important I don’t want renew all of my domains. I want renew just one of them

caddy version:


Hi, I’m not entirely sure I understand your question or the need for it.

First, I recommend upgrading to Caddy 2.8.4 – your version is quite old.

Where did you find these commands?

Why? And why manually at all?

We need more information to be able to help you.

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I have a program that connects to my web server via code and due to the changes made by Let’s Encrypt in CA Root Chain related to SSL I need to update my SSL and I can’t stay until Autorenew.
I found these two commands in various sites and I want to make sure of their correct or not

Which sites? I would be interested in tracking it down so I can help improve things, because they’re not correct.

To force a renewal, you can delete the certs in the configured storage. The default storage is the file system: Conventions — Caddy Documentation

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I found that cammand in chatGPT.
Then That’s not correct?
I found some .key and .crt of my domains in this directory:
If I remove .key and .crt of my specific domain and after restart Caddy service, I automatically renew key and crt for just my specific domain?

ACME means Automatic Certificate Management Environment, manually isn’t the first choice. But can still be helpful at times. Just something to consider.

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It’s absolutely not – the model was hallucinating. We discourage the use of LLMs when troubleshooting Caddy.

Yep, assuming the config requires that cert+key.


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