1. Caddy version:
2.6.3 (via docker)
2. How I installed, and run Caddy:
a. System environment:
docker on Ubuntu 22.04
b. Command:
docker run -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 443:443/udp -v /home/ubuntu/caddy/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile -v caddy_data:/data caddy:2.6.3
c. My complete Caddy config:
http3://caddy-qa.xyz.com {
tls abcd@efgh.com
respond "It workss!"
3. The problem I’m having:
Well, the http3 flow works, but it renders error that QUIC is not supported.
Something like below comes when I do http3 check
Attempted 4 connection(s).
Received packets for 4 connection(s).
Successful handshake for 2 connection(s).
4. What I already tried:
I have tried a bunch of changes in the Caddyfile, with server blocks, protocol blocks etc.
PS. all ports are open, for both UDP and TCP,