Question: Daily Downtime of WordPress Multisites on Hetzner Server – Automatic Restart Solution?

Hi everyone,

We’re currently hosting multiple WordPress multisites on a dedicated server from Hetzner. However, we’ve been experiencing daily downtimes where all sites on the server go down until we manually reboot the server. This happens consistently every day, and the sites are inaccessible until the server is restarted.

We’ve checked the server’s resource usage (CPU, RAM, disk space) and haven’t found any immediate issues. Additionally, the server logs don’t seem to indicate a clear cause for the downtime, making it difficult to pinpoint what’s happening. We’re also running some optimization plugins on the WordPress instances, but they don’t seem to be the source of the issue.

Has anyone encountered similar issues or have suggestions on possible causes, such as server configuration problems, resource limits, or any other potential conflicts?

Moreover, is there a way to automate the server reboot process to mitigate the need for manual intervention in case of downtime? For example, a scheduled task or cron job that reboots the server at a specific time each day would help to reduce the impact of these daily outages.

Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Well, you haven’t shared any specific detail. Nothing we can do to help without that.

You can do some profiling: Profiling Caddy — Caddy Documentation, might give you a clue when it starts failing.

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I think you might be asking for help, and also asking for best practices (two different questions). For help, I’d suggest opening a new topic and filling out the Help category template.

Use systemd service:

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