POSTing additional configs through the API does not work immediately after POSTing initial config

1. Caddy version (caddy version):

v2.4.5 h1:P1mRs6V2cMcagSPn+NWpD+OEYUYLIf6ecOa48cFGeUg=

2. How I run Caddy:

a. System environment:

$ cat /etc/*release*
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"

b. Command:

sudo systemctl start caddy-api

c. Service/unit/compose file:

$ cat /lib/systemd/system/caddy-api.service
# caddy-api.service
# For using Caddy with its API.
# This unit is "durable" in that it will automatically resume
# the last active configuration if the service is restarted.
# See for instructions.


ExecStart=/usr/bin/caddy run --environ --resume


d. My complete Caddyfile or JSON config:
        tls internal
        log {
                format console
                output file /var/log/caddy/caddy.log {
                        roll_size 5MiB
                        roll_keep 10
        route /auth* {
                authp {
                        backends {
                                local_backend {
                                        method local
                                        path /opt/caddy/auth/user_db.json
                                        realm local
                        registration {
                                dropbox /opt/caddy/auth/registrations_db.json
                                title "User Registration"
                        crypto default token lifetime 21600
                        crypto key sign-verify AnExampleSecretString123
                        crypto key token name access_token
                        ui {
                                links {
                                        "Elite Manager" /em
                                        "My Auth Portal Settings" /auth/settings icon "las la-cog"
                                        "who am i check" /auth/whoami icon "las la-star"
                                        "Add MFA Authentication App" /auth/settings/mfa/add/app
        route /gr/* {
                jwt {
                        allow roles authp/admin authp/manager authp/user
                        inject headers with claims
                reverse_proxy http://localhost:3000
        route /version {
                respond * "2.0.0-a" 200
        route /ui/* {
                jwt {
                        allow roles authp/admin authp/manager authp/user
                        inject headers with claims
                reverse_proxy http://localhost:1880
        route /* {
                jwt {
                        allow roles authp/admin authp/manager authp/user
                        set auth url /auth
                        primary yes
                        crypto key token name access_token
                        crypto key verify AnExampleSecretString123
                        inject headers with claims
                reverse_proxy http://localhost:1081

3. The problem I’m having:

We do all Caddy installation/setup steps through a bash script, which mostly works except for one small issue when providing PKI config through the API.

Here’s how we provide the initial config, by adapting our Caddyfile to JSON then sending that JSON to the /load endpoint:

HEADERS=(-H 'Content-Type: application/json')
CONF="$(caddy adapt --config /home/pi/elite-pi/elite-caddy/Caddyfile)" 
curl -v "${OPTIONS[@]}" "${URL}" "${HEADERS[@]}" --data "${CONF}"

This works, and can be confirmed by a quick curl localhost:2019/config/.

The very next step in our script is providing the PKI block with a unique root_common_name:

curl -v -X POST \
 --url http://localhost:2019/config/apps/pki \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 --data "{
      \"certificate_authorities\": {
          \"install_trust\": true,
          \"root_common_name\": \"Elite Local Root CA - $CA_CN_ID\",
          \"intermediate_common_name\": \"Elite Intermediate CA\",
          \"name\": \"Elite CA\"

4. Error messages and/or full log output:

When the above 2 steps are performed one after the other, the PKI curl returns this error stemming from the caddy-auth-portal plugin we’re using:

{"error":"loading new config: loading http app module: provision http: server srv0: setting up route handlers: route 0: loading handler modules: position 0: loading module 'subroute': provision http.handlers.subroute: setting up subroutes: route 2: loading handler modules: position 0: loading module 'subroute': provision http.handlers.subroute: setting up subroutes: route 0: loading handler modules: position 0: loading module 'subroute': provision http.handlers.subroute: setting up subroutes: route 0: loading handler modules: position 0: loading module 'authp': provision http.handlers.authp: found more than one primaryInstance instance of the plugin for default context"}

5. What I already tried:

If I either manually run that same PKI curl after our setup script completes, OR if I simply add sleep 5 between the initial config POST and the PKI POST, there are no errors. So it seems like Caddy is still doing something even after the first curl gets a response back.

Since I’m not sure what exactly Caddy is still doing during that time, I don’t know what to wait for before POSTing the PKI config. Sleeping works, but isn’t ideal. It would be nice to have something to check for so we know for sure “ok Caddy is ready for the next POST now”.

6. Links to relevant resources:

Could not find any helpful or relevant resources.

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Maybe @greenpau would have a clue :+1:

Thanks for filling out the template!

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found more than one primaryInstance instance of the plugin for default context

I think there are multiple instances of the plugin. Please check config. Also please open an issue in auth-portal repo.

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