Php_fastcgi limit concurrent requests

Hi. I am looking for a way to limit upstream pho-fpm requests. I found Limit number of concurrent requests to reverse_proxy backend? that mentioned max_connections. I tried the following, but it doesn’t work.

    php_fastcgi unix//var/run/php-fpm/fpm-wiki.socket {
        max_requests 10
    file_server {
        precompressed br zstd gzip

Caddy validate complains that max_requests isn’t valid. The fastcgi docs at php_fastcgi (Caddyfile directive) — Caddy Documentation do mention that reverse_proxy directives should work though.

Error: adapting config using caddyfile: parsing caddyfile tokens for 'php_fastcgi': unrecognized subdirective max_requests, at /etc/caddy/vhosts/ import chain ['Caddyfile:40 (import)']
❯ caddy version
v2.7.5 => /usr/src/caddy/git/caddy@(devel)

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max_requests isn’t a thing. I don’t know where you got that from. It doesn’t appear anywhere in reverse_proxy (Caddyfile directive) — Caddy Documentation.

You should probably be configuring your php-fpm worker pool instead.

I read it in the linked thread

There is a reference here JSON Config Structure - Caddy Documentation

1. The problem I’m having:

I want to limit concurrent requests to upstream servers, both when running as reverse_proxy and php_fastcgi.

I found a previous thread that indicated this might work using max_requests, but i don’t know how to use that directive. Limit number of concurrent requests to reverse_proxy backend?

Could it be that upstreams/max_request only work with JSON configuration?

2. Error messages and/or full log output:

❯ caddy validate
2023/11/14 15:26:22.165 INFO    using adjacent Caddyfile
2023/11/14 15:26:22.165 INFO    using provided configuration    {"config_file": "Caddyfile", "config_adapter": ""}
Error: adapting config using caddyfile: parsing caddyfile tokens for 'php_fastcgi': unrecognized subdirective max_requests, at /etc/caddy/vhosts/ import chain ['Caddyfile:40 (import)']


❯ caddy validate
2023/11/14 15:38:26.144 INFO    using adjacent Caddyfile
2023/11/14 15:38:26.144 INFO    using provided configuration    {"config_file": "Caddyfile", "config_adapter": ""}
Error: adapting config using caddyfile: parsing caddyfile tokens for 'reverse_proxy': unrecognized subdirective max_requests, at /etc/caddy/vhosts/ import chain ['Caddyfile:40 (import)']

3. Caddy version:

v2.7.5 => /usr/src/caddy/git/caddy@(devel)

4. How I installed and ran Caddy:

Compiled from git sources.

export GOARCH="amd64"
export GOAMD64="v3"
export CGO_ENABLED=1

/root/go/bin/xcaddy build \
    --with \
    --with \
    --with \
    --with \
    --with \

a. System environment:

Gentoo Linux with kernel 6.5.8

b. Command:

caddy validate

d. My complete Caddy config:

❯ caddy fmt vhosts/ {
        import main
        @php {
                not path /public/files/* /rain/* /install/* /includes/*
        root * /var/www/domains/
        reverse_proxy {
        uri replace /files/ /public/files/
        php_fastcgi @php unix//var/run/php-fpm/fpm-www.socket {
                max_requests 10
} {
        import main80
        root * /var/www/domains/
        @https not path /.well-known/*
        redir @https permanent
❯ caddy fmt vhosts/ {
        import main
        root * /var/www/domains/
        @https not path /.well-known/*
        reverse_proxy @https {
                max_requests 10
} {
        import main80
        root * /var/www/domains/
        @https not path /.well-known/*
        redir @https permanent

5. Links to relevant resources:

The maximum number of simultaneous requests to allow to this upstream. If set, overrides the global passive health check UnhealthyRequestCount value.

Yes. But if you look at the end of that thread, the equivalent in the Caddyfile is unhealthy_request_count.

But are you sure you need that? Why can’t you just update your php-fpm config? It’s better to solve your problem closer to the source.

For fpm i have adjusted pm.max_children, but php likes to shoot a warning when it reaches a limit. Probably not a huge issue, I think. I read that the fpm process manager queues up requests until server has available slots.

The reverse_proxy situation is different as those apps don’t have built-in support for this.

Seems that Caddy sends a status 503 when the limit is reached. This is of course technically correct, but not exactly what I had hoped for.

Is there a way that Caddy can pool requests and only issue them upstream within a maximum concurrency limit?

I’m not sure what you want to happen instead then.

Do you mean you want Caddy to wait until a server is available? Then you need to enable retries with lb_try_duration and/or lb_retries.


Yes, i wanted caddy to accept the connection (up to an upper limit) and then send them to upstream as available slots becomes available.

As an example we can take client A who issues 20 requests to Caddy. Caddy accepts all, but holds 15 because upstream is limited to 5 concurrent requests. Once first request is handled, another request is taken from the pool and sent upstream.

Thanks for pointing to the load balancing features. I think it should do exactly what I wanted.

Load balancing is typically used to split traffic between multiple upstreams. By enabling retries, it can also be used with one or more upstreams, to hold requests until a healthy upstream can be selected (e.g. to wait and mitigate errors while rebooting or redeploying an upstream).


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