Oh woe, woe and thrice woe

Hello Everyone,

I know I’ve been naughty and not followed you’re help comments.
However, the majority of the content is not relevant as I can’t even get that far.

All I’d like to know, after days of trying to get caddy to work, is how to set up a default environment for caddy to run as a service after creating a caddy binary using xcaddy. I’m having to use xcaddy as it’s the only way I’ve found of adding the porkbun addin that actually works.

I’m using ubuntu server 24.04/armbian Linux on an Orange PI 5 Plus. The only other thing running at the moment is Technetium DNS server.

Apt install caddy does not work correctly, No caddy file is installed, “caddy” is not found, even with the find cmd run as root from /

I had this all working, right up until I chose rolling installs in armbian-config. It bricked everything and I could not recover.

Thanks in advance if you can help by pointing me in the right direction.

The help template is exactly what we need to resolve this

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Are you relatively new to Linux in general? If so, I can make some guesses as to why you’re having trouble even getting Caddy installed.

Basic instructions are here. If apt is unable to find the caddy package, then you need to verify the repositories that apt is looking in. However, since you are trying to include plugins, follow these instructions.

Let us know any specific errors you’re getting.

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Hello Riley M,

Please accept my apologies for not replying sooner!

I just wanted to thank you for your help, I got Caddy working with an xcaddy build, which is just what was needed. It was very kind of you to point my in the right direction.

Best regards,

A-much-less-salty Salt

BTW, I’m documenting it all in Obsidian so that if I do break Armbian again, I’ll be able to get up and running with far less pain.

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No worries, I’m glad that you got it figured out! Too much salt is not good for the body.

If you need help again in the future, feel free to post again on the Help forum.

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