My site and blog and snippets

I used almost all major web server out there in the past, IIS, Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd, Monkey. They are all powerful solutions. But Caddy v2 really bring the ease of configuration into next level. Multi-site config is so clean, tidy with Caddyfile + snippets. I am having so much fun and satisfaction with Caddy.

Take my theme demo site SK1, SK2 and SK3 as example. They use almost identical settings. With Caddy, I can do the following:

(site_options) {
	encode gzip
	handle_errors {
		rewrite * /{http.error.status_code}.html
	header /css/* Cache-Control max-age=3600
	header /favicon.ico Cache-Control max-age=3600
	header /img/* Cache-Control max-age=3600
	header /js/* Cache-Control max-age=3600
	import cors
	root * /www/site/{host}
} {
	import site_options

I don’t need to repeat them in 3 blocks, nor 3 separate files. Clean, tidy, simple and beautiful.

Or for my main site, I need so many redirect as I switched blogging platform multiple times:

(_redir) {
	@{args.0} {
		not file /{path} /{path}/ /{path}index.html /{path}/index.html
		not path_regexp r {args.1}/.*
		path_regexp r ^{args.0}/?(?P<goto>.*)$
	redir @{args.0} {args.1}/{re.r.goto}

(_tryfile) {
	@{args.0} {
		file {args.0}/{path}index.html {args.0}/{path}/index.html
		not file {path}index.html {path}/index.html
		not path /myip /myip/
		path_regexp try ^/(?P<file>[^/]+)/?$
	redir @{args.0} {args.0}/{re.try.file}
} {
	import _myip /myip
	import _myip /myip/
	import _redir /\d{4}/\d{2}(/\d{2})? /blog
	import _redir /category /tags
	import _redir /cheatsheet /blog
	import _redir /index.php
	import _redir /tag /tags
	import _redir /wp-login.php
	#import _redir / /blog
	import _tryfile /blog
	import site_options
	templates /home/myip/

Logic can be deployed and re-used. The intention of each line become so clear. (Thank @francislavoie for helping to make _redir work!! )

I put all snippets I come up with and using so far in a blog:

Let me know what you think. Or more crazy ideas on snippets.


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