Monitoring Caddy Server with Grafana (Prometheus + Loki) on Debian

Monitoring Caddy Server with Grafana (Prometheus + Loki) on Debian

I want to share with you a solution for monitoring your Caddy server with Grafana.

I decided to write this because it is not easy to find the necessary information on this subject and it is difficult to find an example of a recent Grafana Dashboard.

To do this, I used the following tools:
:point_right: Grafana which is a data analysis and monitoring tool.
:point_right: Prometheus which communicates with the REST API of the Caddy web server.
:point_right: Loki (Promtail) which retrieves json logs from the Caddy web server.

GitHub tutorial link: Malfhas/caddy-grafana: Monitoring Caddy Server with Grafana (Prometheus + Loki) on Debian (
Grafana Dashboard link: Caddy Monitoring | Grafana Labs

Screenshot :

I hope this can be helpful for some.


Good job :slight_smile:
Having this as a Docker (compose) container would be great!


is it poosible to run this without Loki? I just want to see the Caddy metrics through Grafana.

Thank you for sharing