Metrics accesible in dockerswarm


I have a problem for publish /metrics in a overlaynetwork.

my Caddyfile contains:

{ admin :2019 }

but i test other combinations like

{ admin : }

:2019 {metrics }

I see that in the logs:

INF ts=1730934640.2747128 logger=admin msg=admin endpoint started address=localhost:2019 enforce_origin=false origins=["//localhost:2019","//[::1]:2019","//"]

with wget i achieve get /metrics with, but with ip address of the network I find refused connection

maybe is for the docker swarm plugin for docker?

Finnally was a problem with the plugin, I found the solution in the github of the plugin.

Me mistake, sorry

What plugin? Please explain.

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This plugin:
lucaslorentz/caddy-docker-proxy: Caddy as a reverse proxy for Docker

great plugin for automate connect stack an services in docker swarm, to caddy

And what was the problem? That’s the whole point. Don’t just say “there was a problem”.

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