Logging per subdomain reverse proxies

1. The problem I’m having:

I’d like to have log files for each subdomain that is proxied. I haven’t figured out how to do this. I want the Caddy log file for the Caddy-only stuff, then subdomain logs for the subdomain-specific stuff.

I’ve tried using a logging function that creates a log file based on a passed in filename, and I tried a log statement in the server block, but neither creates any specific log file.

2. Error messages and/or full log output:


3. Caddy version:


4. How I installed and ran Caddy:

a. System environment:

Win10 Pro x64

b. Command:

caddy run

d. My complete Caddy config:

	email myemail@email.net
	default_sni justinsdomain.com
	servers :8443 {
		protocols h2 h1
	#log stdout
	log caddy-log {
		output file caddy.log	
(headers) {
	header {
		Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains;"
    		X-Xss-Protection "1; mode=block"
    		X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"
    		X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"
    		Content-Security-Policy "upgrade-insecure-requests"
    		Referrer-Policy "strict-origin-when-cross-origin"
    		Cache-Control "public, max-age=15, must-revalidate"
(logging) {
	log {
		output file "{args.0}.log"
#file server 1
serv1.justinsdomain.com:8443 {
	log {
		output file caddy-Serv1.log
	reverse_proxy :8080
	encode zstd gzip
	import headers
#file server 2
serv2.justinsdomain.com:8443 {
	import logging Serv2
	reverse_proxy :8081
	encode zstd gzip
	import headers

You didn’t specify a path to the file, so Caddy would try to write it to the current working directory. Where that is depends on how you started Caddy.

Try using a full path, and not just a filename.

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I actually want the log files in the caddy.exe folder (where the current default log is written). I tried the below and it still won’t work.

I changed the logging snippet:

log {
		output file "{args.0}.log"


log {
		output file "d:\\BIN\\caddy\\{args.0}.log"

and likewise for the server block log directive example, but all the logging still goes into the default log file.

What do you mean by “all the logging”?

The log directive only configures access logs, not all general server logs.

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Maybe I should ask this way - is logging per subdomain (server) possible? Caddy doesn’t complain about the config file. Is my config valid? All I know is it doesn’t produce anything new or different than w/o the server block directives.

Yes, absolutely.

The Caddy process probably doesn’t have permission to write to that location. I can’t really help with that part, permissions on Windows is not something I have much experience with.

Try without double backslashes, maybe.

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Write permissions is not the problem. (If Caddy couldn’t write, I’d hope it would show some kind of error.)

I had to escape the backslash because Caddy would error if I didn’t. Even Caddy knows to do it:
redirected default logger {"from": "stderr", "to": "D:\\BIN\\caddy\\caddy.log"}

Then it sounds like something is broken, at least on Windows. Or maybe my expectations are incorrect. What would be logged in the per server log file?

Only access logs, i.e. the shape of each request that your site receives. See How Logging Works — Caddy Documentation

I’m on vacation but I can test things out on my Windows machine

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I see in another post you said " {args.0} is deprecated, you should use {args[0]}". I’ll update for that.

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Sorry I took so long :see_no_evil: I had this on my TODO list but never got around to it until now.

I’m testing on Windows with a config like this:

(logging) {
	log {
		output file "{args.0}.log"

:8881 {
	respond "WELCOME"
	import logging foo

I run Caddy with .\caddy.exe run --config Caddyfile, then make a request with curl -v http://localhost:8881. It creates a log file foo.log in the PWD (the dir I ran the command), and it has the access log written to it.

I also tried with import logging E:\foo to write the log file to a separate disk, and that worked too.

I also added log caddy-log like you had in your original post and it also wrote a caddy.log file, with foo.log still containing access logs.

I can’t replicate that. I use output file E:\test\foo.log and it writes there without issue as well.

FWIW, I’m on Windows 11, you said you’re on Windows 10. No idea if that makes a difference (I should hope not) but yeah :man_shrugging:

Thanks for coming back to this.

I was using an actual app, like File Browser or Emby, to generate traffic. I’m also using an RP, which you did not use. Do you get a log with a RP?

It looks like it might be because of an external connection. I used this:

(logging) {
	log {
		output file "{args.0}.log"
some.external.com:8443 {
	respond "I am 8081"
	import logging foo

:8081 {
	respond "I am 8081"
	import logging foo

curl -v http://localhost:8081 returns "I am 8081" and creates foo.log.
curl -v https://some.external.com:443 returns "I am 8081" but does not create foo.log. (executed from another network, not looped)

What version of Caddy are you using? Still 2.6.4? Can you try with the latest, v2.7.4?

I downloaded 2.7.4 and tested with this config:

	email mygreatemail@att.net
	default_sni external.com
	log {
		output file caddy.log
		format console {
			time_format wall
			level_format upper
(logging) {
	log {
		output file "{args.0}.log"

some.external.com:8443 {
	respond "I am 443 EXTERNAL"
	import logging foo-ext

:8081 {
	respond "I am 8081 INTERNAL"
	import logging foo-int

local curl did produce foo-int.log
external curl did not produce foo-ext.log

A would also say that Caddy is a bit overzealous with this warning in the Caddy log 2X every second! This quickly grows the log file.
WARN caddyfile Placeholder {args.0} deprecated, use {args[0]} instead

“every second”? It should only log that when you adapt your config, i.e. when Caddy starts. I guess you must be using --watch? It tries to adapt and reload the config constantly.

Ooooh I have a hunch now.

I think the problem has to do with the fact that your site address is some.external.com:8443 with a port number. If you adapt your config with caddy adapt -c Caddyfile -p you’ll see logger_names which includes the port number.

I think this is bug, because I think we try to match logger names by the hostname only and not the port, so we don’t find a matching logger name for that request and the access log never gets written.

I’ll play around with this a bit more :thinking: but I think if you use the https_port 8443 global option for now and omit the port from site addresses, it might work as a workaround until I fix that bug.

Yes! Using https_port 8443 worked.

And, yes, I am using --watch. :grimacing:

Good! I hope to fix that soon.

I recommend only having that on while you’re actively updating your config. It’s very wasteful to keep it on all the time.

Okay, got a fix :tada:

Awesome - thanks!