Local in-memory storage file question

I am currently using Caddy 2 and it’s default setting of storing the in-memory config at the /home/user/.config/caddy/autosave.json file location.

I am also using inotify and rsync to backup copies of that file as it changes, in-response to the Admin API being sent requests to change in-memory config state. This process backs up a timestamped copy of the autosave file upon a write event on the file (via inotify) to a shared NFS directory to the inactive Caddy machine (which is not receiving live changes from its Admin API).

My question is theoretical, as I am not having a problem. My question is whether or not the autosave.json file is read by the process as well, so that it can update the in-memory config to match the autosave.json file in the event of a failover and I need to make the backup Caddy’s in-memory config match the original?

I would like to use the most recent timestamped copy of the autosave file that exists on my shared NFS drive to load directly into the in-memory state of the backup Caddy process without integrating those changes into my static Caddyfile (which is intended to not change).

I’ve read quite a bit of the docs and forum questions, and it doesn’t seem like this is intended usage by any means, but I have a rather complex project I’m trying to work Caddy into with a high-availability setup using both the static Caddyfile and then dynamic domain matchers being injected from a pool of workers.

Thank you for your time and assistance. Caddy is a great tool, and I’ve enjoyed working with it.

  • R

I have a hunch that I might be overthinking it, and I can just POST the backup file to the backups API to do the trick…

The autosave.json is only read from Caddy when started with the --resume flag. Caddy doesn’t read it at runtime otherwise.

I think that’s the only thing you needed clarified?

You can search in the codebase for ConfigAutosavePath to find all the usages. Caddy’s codebase is quite readable.

Thank you, Francis! That is in fact what I needed to know for sure. I’ll take a look through the codebase as well for more detail.

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