Install xcaddy with build method

hi . i want to build xcaddy . but have same problem .

after download GitHub - caddyserver/xcaddy: Build Caddy with plugins and run go build just return two line and not complete install xcaddy

root@srgr:~/xcaddy# go version
go version go1.16.3 linux/amd64
root@srgr:~/xcaddy# go build
go: downloading v3.1.1
go: downloading v0.0.0-20191202100458-e7afc7fbc510
root@srgr:~/xcaddy# pwd

Please follow the instructions on the readme to install xcaddy: GitHub - caddyserver/xcaddy: Build Caddy with plugins

(It’s not go build. But if you do run go build, make sure you’re building the main and not the library.)

That’s too old a version of Go. Please use at least Go 1.18 (preferrably the latest, Go 1.19).

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