Initial setup help!

Before I start I would like to say I am a technical person but with very little exsperiance in SSL and reverse proxys

If there is anyone who is really willing to help me and put in the time to get my full solution up and running please get in contact I am willing to offer a financial incentive but I would like to learn in the process.

Running on Windows

I have a domain lets say which is redirected using dynamic dns etc

I would like to run Plex, Sonarr, Radarr, PlexPY, Headphones, SABnzdb and a few other sites through this.I am half decent with hardware but this is really baffling me. I have managed to create the following caddy file
proxy / localhost:32400/ {

If I browse to then I can see it shows as Https:// with SSL installed. What is the next step for pointing my proper domain to this ?

Also do I need to create indivual caddy files for each subdomain ?

Thanks in advance and really appreciate the help.

Hi @pavili0n,

Juggling and is a question of DNS. I assume you’re using a consumer router with built-in dynamic DNS to update and simply want to be able to access your server via your own domain. If that’s the case, you’ll want to create a CNAME record at your domain that points to the dynamic DNS site.

Once you’ve handled the DNS, you can simply swap in your own domain in the Caddyfile and Caddy will serve that by HTTPS: {
    proxy / localhost:32400/ {

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