Hi all,
I have built a online Caddy playground that runs the given Caddy configuration in an isolated environment and allows you to run arbitrary commands, think curl or something like that, against it.
It also support creating snippets, which allows sharing of specific config snippets in a cool “try, change & play with it” kind of way.
For example this snippet: https://next.tech-playground.com/snippet/proud-orthodox-ermine/
In the background this basically starts an isolated container, with some backends available to allow for proper testing.
Of course the app itself is hosted behind a Caddy instance, while that config is nothing special I’m still going to share it as well:
email dns@my-domain.com
(common) {
encode zstd gzip
header server tech-playground
(static-compression) {
precompressed gzip br
hide staticfiles.json
(reverse-proxy-app) {
reverse_proxy unix//opt/app/tech-playground.sock {
header_down -server
# Admin portal, only available through TailScale
thostname.my-tailnet.ts.net {
import common
handle_path /static/* {
file_server {
root "/opt/app/tech-playground/tech_playground/static"
import static-compression
handle {
import reverse-proxy-app
www.tech-playground.com {
import common
redir https://tech-playground.com{uri}
tech-playground.com {
import common
handle_path /static/* {
file_server {
root "/opt/app/tech-playground/tech_playground/static"
import static-compression
handle_path /admin/* {
respond 404
handle {
import reverse-proxy-app