I’m new to Caddy, but so far it works quite well. I migrated from NPM.
I’m trying to use an search application for Jellyfin called Jellysearch. There’s a hint how to reverse proxy via Traefik and NPM, but I can’t figure out how to use this in Caddy.
In NPM there would be an additional rule:
if ($arg_searchTerm) {
proxy_pass http://jellysearch:5000;
the relevant part from the Caddyfile (reverse proxy/Authelia is working on jellyfin)
streaming.domain.com {
forward_auth ip:9091 {
uri /api/authz/forward-auth
## The following commented line is for configuring the Authelia URL in the proxy. We strongly suggest
## this is configured in the Session Cookies section of the Authelia configuration.
# uri /api/authz/forward-auth?authelia_url=https://auth.example.com/
copy_headers Remote-User Remote-Groups Remote-Email Remote-Name
## This import needs to be included if you're relying on a trusted proxies configuration.
import trusted_proxy_list
reverse_proxy ip:8096 {
## This import needs to be included if you're relying on a trusted proxies configuration.
import trusted_proxy_list
Thank you so much for your response and help. I’m feeling like a real noob here, because I can’t get the query to work. Could you please hint me where to put it in my config snippet?
I did manage to insert the query matcher and start caddy without error, but the redirect won’t work. I stuck at the streaming.domain.com site
This is my Caddyfile snippet:
streaming.domain.com {
forward_auth ip:9091 {
uri /api/authz/forward-auth
## The following commented line is for configuring the Authelia URL in the proxy. We strongly suggest
## this is configured in the Session Cookies section of the Authelia configuration.
# uri /api/authz/forward-auth?authelia_url=https://auth.example.com/
copy_headers Remote-User Remote-Groups Remote-Email Remote-Name
## This import needs to be included if you're relying on a trusted proxies configuration.
import trusted_proxy_list
reverse_proxy ip:8096 {
## This import needs to be included if you're relying on a trusted proxies configuration.
import trusted_proxy_list
@search {
query searchTerm=*
reverse_proxy @search ip:5000
log {
output file /data/log/jellyfin.access.log {
roll_size 10mb
roll_keep 10
roll_keep_for 36h
format json {
time_format iso8601
streaming.domain.com {
forward_auth ip/container:9091 {
uri /api/authz/forward-auth
## The following commented line is for configuring the Authelia URL in the proxy. We strongly suggest
## this is configured in the Session Cookies section of the Authelia configuration.
# uri /api/authz/forward-auth?authelia_url=https://auth.example.com/
copy_headers Remote-User Remote-Groups Remote-Email Remote-Name
## This import needs to be included if you're relying on a trusted proxies configuration.
import trusted_proxy_list
reverse_proxy ip/container:8096 {
## This import needs to be included if you're relying on a trusted proxies configuration.
import trusted_proxy_list
@search {
query searchTerm=*
reverse_proxy @search ip/container:5000
log {
output file /data/log/jellyfin.access.log {
roll_size 10mb
roll_keep 10
roll_keep_for 36h
format json {
time_format iso8601
It does work now. I don’t know if it was the command or clearing the cookies.
Thank you very much!