How to Move Wordpress Site to Caddy?

Hello Guys,

I am good at writing content and building websites but I am new to hosting them.

I have heard about Caddy from the UptimeRobot blog and I am very much impressed with the Caddy Server.

I have a website i.e that is currently running on Godaddy’s shared hosting account. I want to move it to Caddy so that I can also take the benefit of SSL and better speed.

Since I am not very good at managing servers, Can someone here help me out with steps to move my site to Caddy? Anything like step-by-step tutorial or a video will be a great help.

Thanks in advance.

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You would need to have your host use Caddy or have a virtual server you can use yourself to set Caddy up.

Otherwise offers free letsencrypt certs with their sites. (hosted on apache though :frowning:


Thanks Tobya for your reply.

When you get rid of shared hosting. :grin: My WP install (Debian 8) with Cloudflare & VestaCP ( :`

curl | bash -s personal http.cache,http.cors,http.expires,http.filemanager,http.git,http.ipfilter,http.minify,http.nobots,http.ratelimit,http.realip,tls.dns.cloudflare

sudo mkdir /etc/caddy
sudo mkdir /etc/ssl/caddy
sudo touch /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
sudo chmod 0770 /etc/ssl/caddy
sudo chown -R www-data:root /etc/ssl/caddy
sudo chown -R root:www-data /etc/caddy

sudo curl -s https: // -o /etc/systemd/system/caddy.service

nano /etc/systemd/system/caddy.service

after Environment=CADDYPATH=/etc/ssl/caddy

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable caddy.service

Caddyfile, { 
bind #Here goes public IP (It's best to have more than one.)
tls {
   dns cloudflare
   root /home/admin/web/
fastcgi / unix:/run/php/zenmod.sock php #you can install php7, HHVM. What more do you like.
rewrite {
if {path} not_match ^\/wp-admin
to {path} {path}/ /index.php?_url={uri}

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