How to install caddy which is downloaded from

Hello guys,

Sorry to trouble you, I downloaded a caddy install file caddy_linux_amd64_custom like following

How to install caddy via this file?

I used to install by following the steps in this doc.

Please help, thank you so much.

It’s a binary that you run.

wget -O caddy <download-link>
chmod +x caddy

The download page should note that.

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I do wonder if we can set the executable bit so the file comes downloaded, ready-to-run.

Nope, not possible for a browser to control file permissions.

Not the browser, but we could distribute an archive that preserves the executable bit.

@mustafa0x thank you so much.

I think it should at least be clear what this is or how to use it.

@francislavoie @matt

I think we can probably open a modal/popup after you’ve downloaded that explains what to do with it.

Actually, there’s nothing. I can take a screen record if you need.

I know. I’m writing that as a suggestion to ourselves.


I guess, it would be enough to add one to this linked article.

yes, i like to right-click and copy the download link and paste into wget; also don’t forget to put it in quotes!

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