How to add timeout

1. The problem I’m having:

I would like to add timeout to my Caddyfile, I have long running processes that might take up to 15 mins


This is my current Caddyfile

    http_port 80
    https_port 443
} {
    reverse_proxy /api/* /auth/* {
        transport http {
            read_buffer 8192
            timeouts {
                read_body 25m
                read_header 25m
                write_header 25m

    reverse_proxy /* {
        to localhost:3000
        transport http {
            read_buffer 8192

However it doesn’'t seem to be working, what am i doing wrong?

3. Caddy version:

I am running Caddy: 2.6 on a docker container

4. How I installed and ran Caddy:

Im using a yaml file to create Caddy as a sidecar container with my app

a. System environment:

Docker Container Instances

That’s invalid. You can’t have two inline matchers. Use a named matcher if you need to match two paths at once.

Remove this stuff, there’s no benefit to re-stating the defaults.

What do you mean by that? What’s your evidence that it doesn’t work? Show what you tried. Show an example request that exhibits the problem. Show you logs. Don’t say “doesn’t work”, that means absolutely nothing.

Please completely fill out the help topic template as per the forum rules.

That sounds like an application design problem. You should probably put those jobs on a job queue which runs asynchronously, not attached to an HTTP request.

It Caddy fails to start, then it’s probably because you have a config error. It will produce logs to stdout/stderr. Please share them.