How can I allow access from both LAN ip and localhost to the portable caddy2 server on macOS

1. Caddy version (caddy version):

v2.4.3 h1:Y1FaV2N4WO3rBqxSYA8UZsZTQdN+PwcoOcAiZTM8C0I=

2. How I run Caddy:


/Users/jianfei/Documents/418-weBook/macOS-caddy/caddy_darwin_amd64 start -watch -config /Users/jianfei/Documents/418-weBook/macOS-caddy/caddy-macOS.conf -adapter caddyfile

a. System environment:

macOS 11.4

b. Command:


c. Service/unit/compose file:

Paste full file contents here.
Make sure backticks stay on their own lines,
and the post looks nice in the preview pane.

d. My complete Caddyfile or JSON config: {

    # tls internal
    encode gzip

    # protocol http

    # protocol https

    log { 
         output file /Users/jianfei/Documents/418-weBook/log/access-20210709.log 

    root * /Users/jianfei/Documents/418-weBook/webook-tree 
    file_server browse {
        root /Users/jianfei/Documents/418-weBook/webook-tree/
        index index.html

    # remote_ip
#    ipfilter /users {
#        rule allow
#        ip
#    }

    # index { index.html }
    # try_files {/Users/jianfei/Documents/418-weBook/webook-tree/} {index}.html


3. The problem I’m having:

I have googled and tried many method, including remote_ip matchers, ip.filter, and etc, but I can’t find a way to grant access of the caddy server for both localhost and other LAN clients

4. Error messages and/or full log output:

|2021/07/18 07:13:26.651|info|http.log.access.log0|handled request|{request: {remote_addr:, proto: HTTP/1.1, method: GET, host: localhost:8020, uri: /videos/R.flv, headers: {Range: [bytes=0-], Accept: [/], Accept-Language: [en_US], User-Agent: [VLC/3.0.14 LibVLC/3.0.14]}, tls: {resumed: false, version: 771, cipher_suite: 49196, proto: , proto_mutual: true, server_name: localhost}}, common_log: - - [18/Jul/2021:15:13:26 +0800] \GET /videos/R.flv HTTP/1.1\ 206 19955712, duration: 16.814167673, size: 19955712, status: 206, resp_headers: {Server: [Caddy], Etag: [\qwdshwex3qr], Content-Type: [video/x-flv], Last-Modified: [Sat, 17 Jul 2021 08:49:08 GMT], Content-Range: [bytes 0-25059122/25059123], Accept-Ranges: [bytes], Content-Length: [25059123]}}|
|2021/07/18 07:13:53.239|info|http.log.access.log0|handled request|{request: {remote_addr:, proto: HTTP/2.0, method: GET, host: localhost:8020, uri: /videos/S.mp4, headers: {X-Playback-Session-Id: [D8844D5C-5F0E-4023-9CF6-C284FBBED5FB], Range: [bytes=44498944-87856977], Accept-Language: [en-us], User-Agent: [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.1 Safari/605.1.15], Referer: [https://localhost:8020/chap0005_readMe.html], Accept-Encoding: [identity], Accept: [/]}, tls: {resumed: false, version: 772, cipher_suite: 4865, proto: h2, proto_mutual: true, server_name: localhost}}, common_log: - - [18/Jul/2021:15:13:53 +0800] \GET /videos/S.mp4 HTTP/2.0\ 206 43358034, duration: 0.072753967, size: 43358034, status: 206, resp_headers: {Content-Type: [video/mp4], Last-Modified: [Mon, 28 Jun 2021 12:04:44 GMT], Content-Range: [bytes 44498944-87856977/87856978], Accept-Ranges: [bytes], Content-Length: [43358034], Server: [Caddy], Etag: [\qveuvw1gb2vm]}}|
|2021/07/18 07:15:16.936|info|http.log.access.log0|handled request|{request: {remote_addr:, proto: HTTP/2.0, method: GET, host: localhost:8020, uri: /videos/S.mp4, headers: {Accept: [/], X-Playback-Session-Id: [D8844D5C-5F0E-4023-9CF6-C284FBBED5FB], Range: [bytes=46596096-87856977], Accept-Language: [en-us], User-Agent: [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.1 Safari/605.1.15], Referer: [https://localhost:8020/chap0005_readMe.html], Accept-Encoding: [identity]}, tls: {resumed: false, version: 772, cipher_suite: 4865, proto: h2, proto_mutual: true, server_name: localhost}}, common_log: - - [18/Jul/2021:15:15:16 +0800] \GET /videos/S.mp4 HTTP/2.0\ 206 41260882, duration: 0.064170537, size: 41260882, status: 206, resp_headers: {Server: [Caddy], Etag: [\qveuvw1gb2vm], Content-Type: [video/mp4], Last-Modified: [Mon, 28 Jun 2021 12:04:44 GMT], Content-Range: [bytes 46596096-87856977/87856978], Accept-Ranges: [bytes], Content-Length: [41260882]}}|
|2021/07/18 07:16:26.835|info|http.log.access.log0|handled request|{request: {remote_addr:, proto: HTTP/2.0, method: GET, host: localhost:8020, uri: /videos/S.mp4, headers: {Accept: [/], X-Playback-Session-Id: [D8844D5C-5F0E-4023-9CF6-C284FBBED5FB], Range: [bytes=48693248-87856977], Accept-Language: [en-us], User-Agent: [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.1 Safari/605.1.15], Referer: [https://localhost:8020/chap0005_readMe.html], Accept-Encoding: [identity]}, tls: {resumed: false, version: 772, cipher_suite: 4865, proto: h2, proto_mutual: true, server_name: localhost}}, common_log: - - [18/Jul/2021:15:16:26 +0800] \GET /videos/S.mp4 HTTP/2.0\ 206 39163730, duration: 0.054180567, size: 39163730, status: 206, resp_headers: {Etag: [\qveuvw1gb2vm], Content-Type: [video/mp4], Last-Modified: [Mon, 28 Jun 2021 12:04:44 GMT], Content-Range: [bytes 48693248-87856977/87856978], Accept-Ranges: [bytes], Content-Length: [39163730], Server: [Caddy]}}|
|2021/07/18 07:17:08.292|info|http.log.access.log0|handled request|{request: {remote_addr:, proto: HTTP/2.0, method: GET, host: localhost:8020, uri: /videos/S.mp4, headers: {X-Playback-Session-Id: [D8844D5C-5F0E-4023-9CF6-C284FBBED5FB], Range: [bytes=50790400-87856977], Accept-Language: [en-us], User-Agent: [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.1 Safari/605.1.15], Referer: [https://localhost:8020/chap0005_readMe.html], Accept-Encoding: [identity], Accept: [/]}, tls: {resumed: false, version: 772, cipher_suite: 4865, proto: h2, proto_mutual: true, server_name: localhost}}, common_log: - - [18/Jul/2021:15:17:08 +0800] \GET /videos/S.mp4 HTTP/2.0\ 206 37066578, duration: 0.0573174, size: 37066578, status: 206, resp_headers: {Last-Modified: [Mon, 28 Jun 2021 12:04:44 GMT], Content-Range: [bytes 50790400-87856977/87856978], Accept-Ranges: [bytes], Content-Length: [37066578], Server: [Caddy], Etag: [\qveuvw1gb2vm], Content-Type: [video/mp4]}}|
|2021/07/18 07:17:35.035|info|http.log.access.log0|handled request|{request: {remote_addr:, proto: HTTP/2.0, method: GET, host: localhost:8020, uri: /videos/S.mp4, headers: {Accept-Encoding: [identity], Accept: [/], X-Playback-Session-Id: [D8844D5C-5F0E-4023-9CF6-C284FBBED5FB], Range: [bytes=52887552-87856977], Accept-Language: [en-us], User-Agent: [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.1 Safari/605.1.15], Referer: [https://localhost:8020/chap0005_readMe.html]}, tls: {resumed: false, version: 772, cipher_suite: 4865, proto: h2, proto_mutual: true, server_name: localhost}}, common_log: - - [18/Jul/2021:15:17:35 +0800] \GET /videos/S.mp4 HTTP/2.0\ 206 34969426, duration: 0.053731216, size: 34969426, status: 206, resp_headers: {Content-Length: [34969426], Server: [Caddy], Etag: [\qveuvw1gb2vm], Content-Type: [video/mp4], Last-Modified: [Mon, 28 Jun 2021 12:04:44 GMT], Content-Range: [bytes 52887552-87856977/87856978], Accept-Ranges: [bytes]}}|
|2021/07/18 07:18:09.938|info|http.log.access.log0|handled request|{request: {remote_addr:, proto: HTTP/2.0, method: GET, host: localhost:8020, uri: /videos/S.mp4, headers: {Accept-Language: [en-us], User-Agent: [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.1 Safari/605.1.15], Referer: [https://localhost:8020/chap0005_readMe.html], Accept-Encoding: [identity], Accept: [/], X-Playback-Session-Id: [D8844D5C-5F0E-4023-9CF6-C284FBBED5FB], Range: [bytes=54984704-87856977]}, tls: {resumed: false, version: 772, cipher_suite: 4865, proto: h2, proto_mutual: true, server_name: localhost}}, common_log: - - [18/Jul/2021:15:18:09 +0800] \GET /videos/S.mp4 HTTP/2.0\ 206 32872274, duration: 0.048506637, size: 32872274, status: 206, resp_headers: {Content-Type: [video/mp4], Last-Modified: [Mon, 28 Jun 2021 12:04:44 GMT], Content-Range: [bytes 54984704-87856977/87856978], Accept-Ranges: [bytes], Content-Length: [32872274], Server: [Caddy], Etag: [\qveuvw1gb2vm]}}|
|2021/07/18 07:22:01.493|info|http.log.access.log0|handled request|{request: {remote_addr:, proto: HTTP/2.0, method: GET, host: localhost:8020, uri: /chap0005_readMe.html, headers: {Accept-Encoding: [gzip, deflate, br], Accept: [text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8], If-None-Match: [\qwfifxjq], If-Modified-Since: [Sun, 18 Jul 2021 07:07:09 GMT], User-Agent: [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.1 Safari/605.1.15], Accept-Language: [en-us]}, tls: {resumed: false, version: 772, cipher_suite: 4865, proto: h2, proto_mutual: true, server_name: localhost}}, common_log: - - [18/Jul/2021:15:22:01 +0800] \GET /chap0005_readMe.html HTTP/2.0\ 304 0, duration: 0.002725345, size: 0, status: 304, resp_headers: {Etag: [\qwfifxjq], Server: [Caddy]}}|
|2021/07/18 07:22:01.496|error|http.log.access.log0|handled request|{request: {remote_addr:, proto: HTTP/2.0, method: GET, host: localhost:8020, uri: /js/scripts.js, headers: {Referer: [https://localhost:8020/chap0005_readMe.html], Accept: [/], Accept-Encoding: [gzip, deflate, br], User-Agent: [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.1 Safari/605.1.15], Accept-Language: [en-us]}, tls: {resumed: false, version: 772, cipher_suite: 4865, proto: h2, proto_mutual: true, server_name: localhost}}, common_log: - - [18/Jul/2021:15:22:01 +0800] \GET /js/scripts.js HTTP/2.0\ 404 0, duration: 0.000101535, size: 0, status: 404, resp_headers: {Server: [Caddy]}}|
|2021/07/18 07:22:01.496|error|http.log.access.log0|handled request|{request: {remote_addr:, proto: HTTP/2.0, method: GET, host: localhost:8020, uri: /css/main.css, headers: {User-Agent: [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.1 Safari/605.1.15], Accept-Language: [en-us], Referer: [https://localhost:8020/chap0005_readMe.html], Accept: [text/css,/;q=0.1], Accept-Encoding: [gzip, deflate, br]}, tls: {resumed: false, version: 772, cipher_suite: 4865, proto: h2, proto_mutual: true, server_name: localhost}}, common_log: - - [18/Jul/2021:15:22:01 +0800] \GET /css/main.css HTTP/2.0\ 404 0, duration: 0.000125276, size: 0, status: 404, resp_headers: {Server: [Caddy]}}|
|2021/07/18 07:22:01.592|info|http.log.access.log0|handled request|{request: {remote_addr:, proto: HTTP/2.0, method: GET, host: localhost:8020, uri: /videos/S.mp4, headers: {User-Agent: [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.1 Safari/605.1.15], Referer: [https://localhost:8020/chap0005_readMe.html], Accept-Encoding: [identity], Accept: [/], X-Playback-Session-Id: [5DA0CF4D-6C94-4F86-A677-B8AF13665874], Range: [bytes=0-1], Accept-Language: [en-us]}, tls: {resumed: false, version: 772, cipher_suite: 4865, proto: h2, proto_mutual: true, server_name: localhost}}, common_log: - - [18/Jul/2021:15:22:01 +0800] \GET /videos/S.mp4 HTTP/2.0\ 206 2, duration: 0.000186961, size: 2, status: 206, resp_headers: {Last-Modified: [Mon, 28 Jun 2021 12:04:44 GMT], Content-Range: [bytes 0-1/87856978], Accept-Ranges: [bytes], Content-Length: [2], Server: [Caddy], Etag: [\qveuvw1gb2vm], Content-Type: [video/mp4]}}|
|2021/07/18 07:22:01.753|info|http.log.access.log0|handled request|{request: {remote_addr:, proto: HTTP/2.0, method: GET, host: localhost:8020, uri: /videos/S.mp4, headers: {Accept: [/], X-Playback-Session-Id: [5DA0CF4D-6C94-4F86-A677-B8AF13665874], Range: [bytes=0-87856977], Accept-Language: [en-us], User-Agent: [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.1 Safari/605.1.15], Referer: [https://localhost:8020/chap0005_readMe.html], Accept-Encoding: [identity]}, tls: {resumed: false, version: 772, cipher_suite: 4865, proto: h2, proto_mutual: true, server_name: localhost}}, common_log: - - [18/Jul/2021:15:22:01 +0800] \GET /videos/S.mp4 HTTP/2.0\ 206 87856978, duration: 0.157525698, size: 87856978, status: 206, resp_headers: {Last-Modified: [Mon, 28 Jun 2021 12:04:44 GMT], Content-Range: [bytes 0-87856977/87856978], Accept-Ranges: [bytes], Content-Length: [87856978], Server: [Caddy], Etag: [\qveuvw1gb2vm], Content-Type: [video/mp4]}}|
|2021/07/18 07:29:15.508|error|http.log.access.log0|handled request|{request: {remote_addr:, proto: HTTP/1.1, method: GET, host:, uri: /R.flv, headers: {User-Agent: [mpv 0.29.1-dirty], Accept: [/], Range: [bytes=0-], Connection: [close], Icy-Metadata: [1]}, tls: {resumed: false, version: 771, cipher_suite: 49196, proto: , proto_mutual: true, server_name: }}, common_log: - - [18/Jul/2021:15:29:15 +0800] \GET /R.flv HTTP/1.1\ 404 0, duration: 0.000119835, size: 0, status: 404, resp_headers: {Server: [Caddy]}}|
|2021/07/18 07:30:53.734|info|http.log.access.log0|handled request|{request: {remote_addr:, proto: HTTP/1.1, method: GET, host:, uri: /videos/R.flv, headers: {Icy-Metadata: [1], User-Agent: [mpv 0.29.1-dirty], Accept: [/], Range: [bytes=0-], Connection: [close]}, tls: {resumed: false, version: 771, cipher_suite: 49196, proto: , proto_mutual: true, server_name: }}, common_log: - - [18/Jul/2021:15:30:53 +0800] \GET /videos/R.flv HTTP/1.1\ 206 24870912, duration: 60.347138018, size: 24870912, status: 206, resp_headers: {Last-Modified: [Sat, 17 Jul 2021 08:49:08 GMT], Content-Range: [bytes 0-25059122/25059123], Accept-Ranges: [bytes], Content-Length: [25059123], Server: [Caddy], Etag: [\qwdshwex3qr], Content-Type: [video/x-flv]}}|

5. What I already tried:

I have tried to edit the localhost:80 to


but no ways worked.

6. Links to relevant resources:

Sorry that the log file is too long, so I cut it to leave only the last some parts.

Please give me some feasible and operatable guides or resources. Thank you very much.

Solved with the following config:

:8020 {

# tls internal

encode gzip

# protocol http

# protocol https

log { 
     output file /Users/jianfei/Documents/418-weBook/log/access-20210709.log 

@matchost {

root @matchost /Users/jianfei/Documents/418-weBook/webook-tree 

file_server browse {

    root /Users/jianfei/Documents/418-weBook/webook-tree/
    index index.html


# remote_ip

ipfilter /users {

rule allow



# index { index.html }
# try_files {/Users/jianfei/Documents/418-weBook/webook-tree/} {index}.html


Please use backticks (```) on their own lines before and after your config and logs to use code formatting when posting on the forums. It preserves whitespace and turns long chunks of text into scrollable boxes.

I’m glad you found the solution :+1:

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