Hotlink protection

There is a closed issue on github:
As I mentioned there, I got error:

http://test.local {
	rewrite {
		if {>Referer} not test.local
		status 403

2017/01/29 22:23:48 /etc/caddy/caddy.conf:60 - Parse error: Wrong argument count or unexpected line ending after 'status'

What is the solution?

Use the status directive instead :wink: - but it only supports paths, not if statements.

Ok, I tried:

	rewrite {
		if {>Referer} not test.local
		to /hotlink 
	status 403 /hotlink

It gives 403 for index.html

  • Do you have a working example for hotlink protection?
  • {>Referer} is not listed in the placeholders.


Ok. This seems working on local virtual test sites:

http://test.local {
	root   /var/www/test/
	rewrite {
		if {>Referer} not ""
		if {>Referer} not "http://test.local/"
		to /hotlink 
	status 403 /hotlink

Correction. {>Referer} is the full url. So we must use regex and check if it start with our site. Otherwise we will miss urls like : β€œ”

http://test.local {
	root   /var/www/test/
	rewrite {
		if {>Referer} not ""
		if {>Referer} not_match ^http:\/\/test\.local
		to /hotlink 
	status 403 /hotlink

To clarify for other readers:

if {>Referer} not "http://test.local/" will stop requests refered by both and http://test.local/test, for example. It’s an exact match (opposite of is).

if {>Referer} not_has "http://test.local/" will NOT stop a request refered by The likelihood of that happening in normal browser behaviour is incredibly unlikely, however.

Check out the rewrite docs for specific conditional behaviour.

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