Help getting Caddy working

Hey there’s progress!!!

Ok my Caddyfile now has:

respond “hello world”

Now both browsers respond

I also switched out the ip address with my DuckDNS and this time I got a Hello World from my DNS web site.

Now my question is how does the reverse_proxy directive work?

I now have in my Caddyfile:

reverse_proxy (this is from the Jellyfin website)

So it should reverse proxy anything on port 8096 correct? That is what the Jellyfin webpage has anyways. But when I go to my DNS in chrome I get ‘forbidden’ or when I go it in EDGE it changes the webpage to Loading... and it’s just a blank white screen. And when I go to Jelly fin using it’s iunsecure but that’s because like you said above I bypassed Caddy.

Thank you so much for the help. I’m glad I atleast got Hello World. Now I just have to figure out how to get a secure page.

Ok so I change the Caddyfile to:


9000 is Portainers port and EDGE doesn’t do anything, however chrome took me to portainer and the site is secure!

So now that I’ve made it that far what is the deal with EDGE? Any ideas?

Since jellyfin is a docker in Portainer how do I access it without going to and by passing Caddy? I tried putting 8096 in the file but I get a Forbidden from chrome.

I think we’ve figured out the source of why this hasn’t been working as I expected it to.

  1. MyDNS won’t take me to jellyfin (8096) maybe because it’s ran through Portainer
  2. Portainer (9000) loads in Chrome securely but doesn’t load in EDGE

If you have any other ideas I’d love to hear them. Thanks a ton!

that’s completely wrong. {
 reverse_proxy ...

mydns is not your domain.

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ok I see what you mean. I did use just calling it the wrong thing. So I do need brackets in the Caddyfile?

Ok I did try it with this: {

and I get Forbidden. However when I run it with: {

It takes me to a secure Portainer webpage. So it’s working fine but somehow I need to figure out how to manipulate it to allow me access to jellyfin through Portainer since Portainer houses the stack/container. The same would apply to other containers/dockers (I don’t know what’s the proper word) that I end up installing eventually.

(I am going to stick with Chrome for now since it works properly.)

is jellyfin running on different port?

It’s on 8096 but that gives me Forbidden

here’s a pic

And I don’t know if it will help but looking in OMV my gateway for the two dockers I have is I used that in the Caddyfile instead of and it did take me to a secure OMV page.

Gateway (which I believe is OMV) is
Portainer is
Jellyfin is

Still can’t get to jellyfin though.

Ok it’s working 100% now. There is an option in jellyfin to allow remote connections. I’m not sure why a device connected to the same network is considered remote but checking that block allowed me to get to jellyfin and it is secured.

I guess I can take my problems with that over to their page and try to figure it out.

Thank you sooooo much Matthew Fay for spending some time with me. I learned quite a bit about how this works now. Thank you too tweeniev2!


“Remote” usually means any machine that’s not the localhost.

Glad you got it working! Thanks, @tweeniev2 and the others for helping out!

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