1. The problem I’m having:
I need some advice. I would like content from an s3 bucket (which is proxied with Caddy) to be served on 1) my website; 2) localhost (for development). For this I’m adding serveral header_down
clauses to the reverse proxy configuration.
According to the docs, you can add headers multiple times, so I’m adding 2 Access-Control-Allow-Origin
headers, one for the prod domain, and one for the localhost.
The problem is that the presence of the 2nd header breaks things. If both headers are present, neither of the cases work. If any 1 header is present, that particular case works.
Is there a way to have both?
2. Error messages and/or full log output:
No specific errors
3. Caddy version:
4. How I installed and ran Caddy:
Caddy is ran via docker compose
a. System environment:
Ubuntu 22
d. My complete Caddy config:
auto_https disable_redirects
email d@subjective.agency
acme_dns cloudflare <cloudflare token>
log {
output file /var/log/caddy/ctrl_access.log
(cloudflare) {
tls {
protocols tls1.3
key_type p256
dns cloudflare <cloudflare token>
(fauth) {
reverse_proxy /outpost.goauthentik.io/* http://<ip_address>:50900
forward_auth http://<ip_address>:50900 {
uri /outpost.goauthentik.io/auth/caddy
copy_headers X-Authentik-Username X-Authentik-Groups X-Authentik-Email X-Authentik-Name X-Authentik-Uid X-Aut>
trusted_proxies private_ranges
*.subjective.agency {
import cloudflare
@garage_s3 host s3.subjective.agency
handle @garage_s3 {
reverse_proxy {
health_uri /health
health_port 3903
header_down +Access-Control-Allow-Origin "http://localhost:8000"
header_down +Access-Control-Allow-Origin "https://wapaganda.subjective.agency"
header_down +Access-Control-Allow-Credentials "true"
@garage_web host *.data.subjective.agency
handle @garage_web {
reverse_proxy {
health_uri /health
health_port 3903
@garage_admin host garage.subjective.agency
handle @garage_web {
reverse_proxy {
health_uri /health
health_port 3903