FrankenPHP and Nextcloud

Is that directly on your machine, or inside a Dockerfile? If you try to compile FrankenPHP yourself then you need all the extensions on your system to be linked in. See

Is there any reason you can’t just use the official FrankenPHP Docker image? It should already have everything you need ready to go.

Or download the standalone binaries

Native is always better. And also I dont want to use docker for this BECAUSE, I am also using modules NOT listed here because they are out of scope and IPv6 support of docker is crap


Alright well then you’ll need to follow, make sure you install all the relevant PHP extensions from your package manager etc.

All done, from here I need help, the linked docs are not enough

How did you install PHP on your system? Use the same way to install the extensions as well.

I have used dnf to install. I dont know what this is about; Everything is working with php-fpm right now

I can’t really help you much further. I don’t use Arch, and I don’t know what steps you took exactly to install PHP. But that’s the answer – you need to install the PHP extensions on your system so that FrankenPHP can load them. You can ask help from Arch communities if you need help with that.

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Its not Arch Linux

All needed modules are already installed with my package manager dnf
I just dont know the next steps :slight_smile:

How do you know they’re installed? What did you install? What errors are you now getting?


You’re being very difficult to help. You’re not giving enough detail in your responses. Please stop with the one sentence replies, show the steps you took. Show evidence. Show logs.

My bad – I saw Alma and my brain read Arch. Either way, not a distro I use, so I can’t help there.

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I know it is installed because in a traditonal setup (with php-fpm) everything works just fine (since years), also because the folders where those modules normaly resist, arent empty.

In the meantime someone out there tried the same and failed because of a bug Config file has leading content - 🚧 Installation - Nextcloud community

I dont know how I can further help :confused:

I also dont know how to load those modules installed on my system with frankenphp since its different to php-fpm and php locally

Also this is not a distro issue… maybe you could try yourself by installing it

Show the steps you took. Show the commands you ran. Show your logs. Seriously. Not sure how you expect to get help without showing what you’re seeing. I can’t read your mind. I can’t make assumptions about the steps you took. We need to actually see what you did.

I don’t have time to set up a new VM with your distro to replicate, I’m a volunteer, I have limitations on my time. Doing that would take at least a few hours. And even if I did, I wouldn’t know that what I’m doing matches what you tried, because you didn’t show the exact steps you took, so it would be a waste of time.

What I can help you with is problems with Caddy specifically, but the problems you’re having seem like they’re outside the scope of that (but that’s an assumption because you haven’t shared details).

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