Exclude direct access to files

Hello Community,

I need to exclude direct access to some file extensions (.html). I tried to use the following configuration and it doesn’t block direct access.

localhost:{$CAPTIVE_CADDY_PORT}/portal {
ext !.html
root webapps/portals/
log logs/caddyaccess.log
fastcgi / php

Is this achievable with caddy?

There’s two ways to achieve what you’re after.

  1. Use the internal directive to mark paths unavailable to outside requests (see docs for internal)
  2. Rewrite requests that end in .html to some forbidden path

Option 2 looks something like this:

example.com {
    status 403 /forbidden
    rewrite {
        if {path} ends_with .html
        to /forbidden

You can stack extensions to deny like so:

rewrite {
    if {path} ends_with .html
    if {path} ends_with .php
    if_op or
    to /forbidden

See rewrite docs and status docs.

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This is helpful. Thanks for the infromation.

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