Error using tls ciphers directive

1. The problem I’m having:

I’m trying to use the tls ciphers directive to specify a list of allowed cipher suites. A customer wants to exclude CBC ciphers.

We realize it’s preferable not to change the defaults and we’ve advised our customer accordingly. However, we want to make sure we can disable the CBC ciphers if they insist.

2. Error messages and/or full log output:

root-web.1.ztu1dhvb9oba@ubuntu-s-8vcpu-16gb-intel-nyc3-01    | {"level":"info","ts":1680806830.4784403,"msg":"using provided configuration","config_file":"/tmpapp/CaddyfileForContainer","config_adapter":""}
root-web.1.ztu1dhvb9oba@ubuntu-s-8vcpu-16gb-intel-nyc3-01    | Error: adapting config using caddyfile: /tmpapp/CaddyfileForContainer:9: unrecognized directive: ciphers

3. Caddy version:

Built off commit f8b59e77f83c05da87bd5e3780fb7522b863d462 on master branch

4. How I installed and ran Caddy:

Built docker image containing executable mentioned above

a. System environment:

Alpine docker image

b. Command:

./caddy run --config /tmpapp/CaddyfileForContainer

c. Service/unit/compose file:

FROM alpine:3.16.4


COPY . .

RUN set -eux && \
    apk add --no-cache libcap nss-tools && \
    adduser -u 10654 -g amag -s /bin/false --disabled-password amag && chown amag:amag -R /app && \
    setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip /app/caddy
USER amag

EXPOSE 8080 8443

HEALTHCHECK --interval=5s --timeout=5s --start-period=5s --retries=3 CMD \
    wget -S -q --spider http://localhost:8080/health-check || wget -S -q --spider http://localhost:8080/health-check 2>&1 | grep "308 Permanent Redirect" || exit 1

ENTRYPOINT ["/app/"]

d. My complete Caddy config:

# Header
        https_port 8443
        http_port 8080

# CADDY Body
tls /run/secrets/rootweb_idm_pem /run/secrets/rootweb_idm_key {

        # START InBody Customization
        # END InBody Customization

        encode gzip

        header {
                # Disallow the site to be rendered within a frame on different domain (clickjacking protection)
                +X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"


                +Access-Control-Allow-Headers Range
                +Access-Control-Expose-Headers "Accept-Ranges, Content-Encoding, Content-Length, Content-Range"

                #Implement Security Headers
                X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"
                Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"
                Content-Security-Policy "default-src data: https:; font-src data: https:; frame-src 'self' https: mailto: tel:; img-src data: https: http://localhost:1337 http://localhost:1338; script-src https: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src https: 'unsafe-inline'; connect-src https: ws://localhost:* wss: 'self' http://localhost:1337/* *"
                Permissions-Policy "accelerometer=(), camera=(self), geolocation=(), gyroscope=(), magnetometer=(), microphone=(), payment=(), usb=(), interest-cohort=()"
                Referrer-Policy "strict-origin-when-cross-origin"

        # Enabling CORS for CDN Only
        # The default Same-Origin Policy is enough for the web and apis
        # Set mime type for specific file as content sniffing is now disabled
        # and browser needs to still behave as expected:
        # - opening the file inside a tab as text or image for example,
        # - downloading the file instead of opening it as text...

        @exe {
                path *.exe
        header @exe Content-Type application/octet-stream

        @ttf {
                path *.ttf
        header @ttf Content-Type font/ttf

        @woff {
                path *.woff
        header @woff Content-Type font/woff

        @woff2 {
                path *.woff2
        header @woff2 Content-Type font/woff2

        @mem {
                path *.mem
        header @mem Content-Type application/octet-stream

        @ico {
                path *.ico
        header @ico Content-Type image/x-icon

        @pk {
                path *.pkpass
        header @pk Content-Type application/


        header /cdn* {
                +Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

        #mime .xlsx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet

        @xlsx {
                path *.xlsx
        header @xlsx Content-Type application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet

        @txt {
                path *.txt
        header @txt Content-Disposition attachment

        @csv {
                path *.csv
        header @csv Content-Disposition attachment

        respond /health-check 200

        # Rewrite rules to eliminate case issues. Proxy
        # routes are case sensitive
        redir /G4S.Portal.Web/ /AMAG.Auth
        # rewrite /G4S.Portal.Web /AMAG.Portal - Above line used instead to bring new prospect signups to login screen vs Portal.
        rewrite /Amag.Auth /AMAG.Auth
        rewrite / /AMAG.Auth
        rewrite /OneFacilityLoginWeb/Login/Login.mvc /AMAG.Auth

        @amag-auth {
                path /G4S.Portal.Web
                path /Amag.Auth
                path /AMAG.Auth
                path /
                path /OneFacilityLoginWeb/Login/Login.mvc

        # CDN Image Resizer
        @cdn_resize {
                path /cdn/photos*
                not query ""
                not query random=*
        rewrite @cdn_resize /display/resize/0x0{path}

        reverse_proxy /display/* http://picfit:7319

        redir /documentation /documentation/

        route /documentation/* {
            uri strip_prefix /documentation
            root * /app/cdn/documentation

        # S3 CDN

        # Self hosted kestrel (.net core)

        reverse_proxy /AMAG.Auth* auth-web:7325

        reverse_proxy /AMAG.Portal* portal-web:7326

        reverse_proxy /amag.sso* sso-web:7328

        ## Below two proxies needed since JS points to old locations
        #reverse_proxy /G4S.Portal.Web/public/ localhost:7326/AMAG.Portal/public/ {
        #       without /G4S.Portal.Web/public/

        reverse_proxy /G4S.Portal.Web/public* portal-web:7326

        reverse_proxy /Amag.Login.Web/Login/Login* auth-web:7325

        # Self hosted React Apps (caddy)

        route /G4S.Registration.Web/* {
                uri strip_prefix /G4S.Registration.Web
                reverse_proxy registration-web:7320

        @cac-web {
                path /Amag.CAC.Web/*
                path /AMAG.CAC.Web/*

        route @cac-web {
                uri strip_prefix /AMAG.CAC.Web
                uri strip_prefix /Amag.CAC.Web
                reverse_proxy cac-web:7323

        route /G4S.IdentityManagement.Web/* {
                uri strip_prefix /G4S.IdentityManagement.Web
                reverse_proxy idm-web:7324

        route /G4S.VMS.Web/* {
                uri strip_prefix /G4S.VMS.Web
                reverse_proxy vms-web:7327

        # Self hosted ReST APIs (servicestack)

        route /G4S.Registration.WebApi/api/* {
                uri strip_prefix /G4S.Registration.WebApi/api
                reverse_proxy registration-api:7120

        route /AMAG.Symmetry.WebApi/api/* {
                uri strip_prefix /AMAG.Symmetry.WebApi/api
                reverse_proxy symmetry-api:7121

        route /G4S.Core.WebApi/api/* {
                uri strip_prefix /G4S.Core.WebApi/api
                reverse_proxy core-api:7122

        @cac-api {
                path /Amag.CAC.WebApi/*
                path /AMAG.CAC.WebApi/*

        route @cac-api {
                uri strip_prefix /AMAG.CAC.WebApi/api
                uri strip_prefix /Amag.CAC.WebApi/api
                reverse_proxy cac-api:7123

        route /G4S.IdentityManagement.WebApi/api/* {
                uri strip_prefix /G4S.IdentityManagement.WebApi/api
                reverse_proxy idm-api:7124

        route /G4S.VMS.WebApi/api/* {
                uri strip_prefix /G4S.VMS.WebApi/api
                reverse_proxy vms-api:7127

        route /AMAG.Public/api/* {
                uri strip_prefix /AMAG.Public/api
                reverse_proxy public-api:7130

        handle_path /G4S.VMS.WebSocketHub {
                rewrite * /websockethub?{query}
                reverse_proxy vms-websocket:5100

        redir / /AMAG.Portal
        # IIS hosted applications
        # NOTE: one entry can cover both web & webApi

5. Links to relevant resources:

The first line after your global options (what you call header) needs to be a site address.

Your Caddyfile somehow tries to create two site blocks, with site addresses that are directive names (and options).

encode gzip {
  # other directives
# and another one
tls /run/secrets/rootweb_idm_pem /run/secrets/rootweb_idm_key {
  # empty

Matching encode and gzip and tls as literal vhost names (domain names).

So your tls block essentially looks like {
  ciphers <cipher_suites...>

But for it to work it would need to look like {
  tls {
    ciphers <cipher_suites...>


tls {
  ciphers <cipher_suites...>

(if you only have a single site block)

Ref: Caddyfile Concepts — Caddy Documentation


I figured I was doing something silly…thanks for identifying it so quickly!

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