ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR This site can’t provide a secure connection

1. Output of caddy version:

v2.5.2 h1:eCJdLyEyAGzuQTa5Mh3gETnYWDClo1LjtQm2q9RNZrs=

2. How I run Caddy:

a. System environment:

pi os lite debian 11 bulleye systemctl cli

b. Command:

sudo systemctl start caddy

c. Service/unit/compose file:


d. My complete Caddy config: {
    reverse_proxy myip:2368

3. The problem I’m having:

curl -v

  • Trying…* connect to port 80 failed: Connection timed out
  • Failed to connect to port 80: Connection timed out
  • Closing connection 0
    curl: (28) Failed to connect to port 80: Connection timed out

4. Error messages and/or full log output:

$ journalctl -u caddy --no-pager | less +G`

Sep 08 04:28:15 raspberrypi caddy[634]: {"level":"error","ts":1662607695.7665794,"logger":"tls.issuance.acme.acme_client","msg":"validating authorization","identifier":"","problem":{"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection","title":"","detail":" Fetching Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem)","instance":"","subproblems":[]},"order":"","attempt":2,"max_attempts":3}
Sep 08 04:28:15 raspberrypi caddy[634]: {"level":"error","ts":1662607695.766781,"logger":"tls.obtain","msg":"could not get certificate from issuer","identifier":"","issuer":"","error":"HTTP 400 urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection - Fetching Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem)"}
Sep 08 04:28:38 raspberrypi caddy[634]: {"level":"info","ts":1662607718.4571407,"logger":"tls.issuance.acme.acme_client","msg":"trying to solve challenge","identifier":"","challenge_type":"http-01","ca":""}
Sep 08 04:34:00 raspberrypi caddy[634]: {"level":"error","ts":1662608040.02146,"logger":"tls.obtain","msg":"could not get certificate from issuer","identifier":"","issuer":"","error":"[] solving challenges: [] authorization took too long (order= (ca="}
Sep 08 04:34:00 raspberrypi caddy[634]: {"level":"error","ts":1662608040.0216696,"logger":"tls.obtain","msg":"will retry","error":"[] Obtain: [] solving challenges: [] authorization took too long (order= (ca=","attempt":4,"retrying_in":300,"elapsed":1784.467478511,"max_duration":2592000}

5. What I already tried:

6. Links to relevant resources:

Are you running this on your home network? Are you sure you have ports 80 and 443 open on your router and/or firewall? Does your ISP block ports 80 and 443?

It seems like your server isn’t reachable. That’s not a problem with Caddy, you’ll need to figure out your networking.


yes I have already opened port 80 443 for both firewall & router

Status: active
Logging: on (low)
Default: deny (incoming), allow (outgoing), deny (routed)
New profiles: skip

To                         Action      From
--                         ------      ----
80                         ALLOW IN    Anywhere
443                        ALLOW IN    Anywhere
80/tcp                     ALLOW IN    Anywhere
80 (v6)                    ALLOW IN    Anywhere (v6)
443 (v6)                   ALLOW IN    Anywhere (v6)
80/tcp (v6)                ALLOW IN    Anywhere (v6)

i can’t still figure out how my server can’t be reach
here is my compose rn

version: '3.3'
    image: portainer/portainer-ce:latest
    container_name: portainer
    restart: unless-stopped
      - no-new-privileges:true
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
      - /home/blue/containers/portainer/portainer-data:/data
      - caddy
      - 9000:9000

    image: caddy:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: caddy
      - 80:80
      - 443:443
      - /home/chatofking/containers/caddy/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile
      - /home/chatofking/containers/caddy/site:/srv
      - /home/chatofking/containers/caddy/caddy_data:/data
      - /home/chatofking/containers/caddy/caddy_config:/config
      - caddy
    external: true

here is my caddy file

} {
  reverse_proxy portainer:9000

i think i set up everything correctly

Is the correct current IP address?

If it is (i.e. DNS is resolving correctly), and you’re sure that your host firewall and your router’s firewall are both open, and it’s still not working, you could investigate the possibility that your ISP has you behind Carrier-Grate NAT (CGNAT) and you may need to call them and have them disable it, or use a VPN or tunnel out to a VPS that you can access.


yes it is correctly current IP
I am sure ??
my host

Status: active
Logging: on (low)
Default: deny (incoming), allow (outgoing), deny (routed)
New profiles: skip

To                         Action      From
--                         ------      ----
22/tcp                     ALLOW IN    Anywhere
80/tcp                     ALLOW IN    Anywhere
443                        ALLOW IN    Anywhere
22/tcp (v6)                ALLOW IN    Anywhere (v6)
80/tcp (v6)                ALLOW IN    Anywhere (v6)
443 (v6)                   ALLOW IN    Anywhere (v6)

my router firewall

IPv4 SPI Firewall:
Service Filtering:
HTTP 80-80 & HTTPS 443-443 
Protocol: TCP/UDP
point to single IP

same as the Nat Forwarding.

I want to double down on what @Whitestrake wrote earlier:

Your ISP might have their own firewall in front of you, which blocks port :80 and :443 before those packages even reaches your router firewall.

Your ISP might also be using something called “Carrier-grade NAT” for your connection, which essentially means the IPv4 you see and configured duckdns to use isn’t actually your IPv4, but instead shared among others via NAT.
You won’t be able to use any port forwarding then.

I’d recommend asking your ISP about that.

You could also try opening a different (high) port number and test if it’s open externally via a different IP server not on your network or certain online port scanner like Port Checker - Check Open Ports Online

You will need to have either :80 or :443 open to have Caddy issue a valid ACME certificate via http or tls challenge for you automatically as of Automatic HTTPS — Caddy Documentation

If you manage to open, for example, port :8080 externally, then you could use the DNS challenge and would have to append :8080 whenever you enter your domain into a webbrowser.
This is nothing caddy can change and would be the same with e.g. nginx and apache.

There are certain workarounds via Cloudflare tunnels or having a totally different server proxying your requests to your private home IP. But those are very much out of scope of this thread here, unfortunately


I recently solved using Tailscale to be able to see the Raspberry Pi inside.It’s an alternative to NAT. However, for that purpose, an external server that configures a proxy such as a web service or VPS is required.
As more ISPs in Japan adopt IPoE instead of PPPoE, The router at my work can no longer be configured for NAT.


after I contact ISP I can access the site but my URL is like
and not show my instance it shows duckdns Related Searches: instead
what should I do ??

I think you have a little typo: vs the actual (note the additional/missing d)

But I am unable to reach port :80 and :443 on nonetheless


did you know how to fix this ??

What have you tried? We already told you what we see as the problem. If you don’t elaborate, we can’t help any further.

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