Err_cert_date_invalid (RESOLVED)

1. The problem I’m having:

This is my second time posting with this problem. Every ~3 months or so caddy appears to break my site due to an issue with the SSL certificate, after working fine for months.

This does not work across intranet, internet, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Windows, Ubuntu etc.

2. Error messages and/or full log output:


Was original error, but after following steps outlined below, I now receive:



Sep 26 13:23:07 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"error","ts":1727320987.6222885,"logger":"tls.renew","msg":"could not get certificate from issuer","identifier":"","issuer":"acme-v02.api.letsen","error":"[] solving challenges: presenting for challenge: adding temporary record for zone \"\": got error status: HTTP 403: [{Code:9109 Message:Invalid acc
ess token ErrorChain:[]}] (order= (ca="}
Sep 26 13:23:07 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"error","ts":1727320987.6223314,"logger":"tls.renew","msg":"will retry","error":"[] Renew: [] solving challenges: presenting for ch
allenge: adding temporary record for zone \"\": got error status: HTTP 403: [{Code:9109 Message:Invalid access token ErrorChain:[]}] (order=
order/112117554/19385210523) (ca=","attempt":3,"retrying_in":120,"elapsed":185.195160652,"max_duration":2592000}
Sep 26 13:25:07 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"info","ts":1727321107.6227562,"logger":"tls.renew","msg":"renewing certificate","identifier":"","remaining":-70167.622750908}
Sep 26 13:25:07 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"info","ts":1727321107.6231382,"logger":"tls.issuance.acme","msg":"using ACME account","account_id":"
Sep 26 13:25:08 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"info","ts":1727321108.3648324,"logger":"tls.issuance.acme.acme_client","msg":"trying to solve challenge","identifier":"","challenge_type":"dns-
Sep 26 13:25:08 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"error","ts":1727321108.6072648,"logger":"tls.issuance.acme.acme_client","msg":"cleaning up solver","identifier":"","challenge_type":"dns-01","e
rror":"no memory of presenting a DNS record for \"\" (usually OK if presenting also failed)"}
Sep 26 13:25:08 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"error","ts":1727321108.8364334,"logger":"tls.renew","msg":"could not get certificate from issuer","identifier":"","issuer":"acme-v02.api.letsen","error":"[] solving challenges: presenting for challenge: adding temporary record for zone \"\": got error status: HTTP 403: [{Code:9109 Message:Invalid acc
ess token ErrorChain:[]}] (order= (ca="}
Sep 26 13:25:08 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"error","ts":1727321108.836478,"logger":"tls.renew","msg":"will retry","error":"[] Renew: [] solving challenges: presenting for cha
llenge: adding temporary record for zone \"\": got error status: HTTP 403: [{Code:9109 Message:Invalid access token ErrorChain:[]}] (order=
rder/112117554/19385235233) (ca=","attempt":4,"retrying_in":300,"elapsed":306.409307337,"max_duration":2592000}
Sep 26 13:30:02 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"info","ts":1727321402.124448,"logger":"tls","msg":"certificate needs renewal based on ARI window","subjects":[""],"expiration":1727250940,"ari_
Sep 26 13:30:02 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"info","ts":1727321402.1246493,"logger":"tls.cache.maintenance","msg":"certificate expires soon; queuing for renewal","identifiers":[""],"remain
Sep 26 13:30:08 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"info","ts":1727321408.8371227,"logger":"tls.renew","msg":"renewing certificate","identifier":"","remaining":-70468.837117669}
Sep 26 13:30:08 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"info","ts":1727321408.8375492,"logger":"tls.issuance.acme","msg":"using ACME account","account_id":"
Sep 26 13:30:10 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"info","ts":1727321410.0157108,"logger":"tls.issuance.acme.acme_client","msg":"trying to solve challenge","identifier":"","challenge_type":"dns-
Sep 26 13:30:10 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"error","ts":1727321410.2892694,"logger":"tls.issuance.acme.acme_client","msg":"cleaning up solver","identifier":"","challenge_type":"dns-01","e
rror":"no memory of presenting a DNS record for \"\" (usually OK if presenting also failed)"}
Sep 26 13:30:10 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"error","ts":1727321410.5199587,"logger":"tls.renew","msg":"could not get certificate from issuer","identifier":"","issuer":"acme-v02.api.letsen","error":"[] solving challenges: presenting for challenge: adding temporary record for zone \"\": got error status: HTTP 403: [{Code:9109 Message:Invalid acc
ess token ErrorChain:[]}] (order= (ca="}
Sep 26 13:30:10 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"error","ts":1727321410.520009,"logger":"tls.renew","msg":"will retry","error":"[] Renew: [] solving challenges: presenting for cha
llenge: adding temporary record for zone \"\": got error status: HTTP 403: [{Code:9109 Message:Invalid access token ErrorChain:[]}] (order=
rder/112117554/19385303783) (ca=","attempt":5,"retrying_in":600,"elapsed":608.092838237,"max_duration":2592000}
Sep 26 13:33:58 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"info","ts":1727321638.0443811,"logger":"admin.api","msg":"received request","method":"GET","host":"localhost:2019","uri":"/pki/ca/local","remote_ip":"127.0.
Sep 26 13:35:37 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"info","ts":1727321737.0287225,"logger":"admin.api","msg":"received request","method":"GET","host":"localhost:2019","uri":"/pki/ca/local","remote_ip":"127.0.
Sep 26 13:35:45 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"info","ts":1727321745.4768064,"l
ogger":"admin.api","msg":"received request","method":"POST","host":"localhost:2019","uri":"/stop","remote_ip":"","remote_port":"36430","headers":{"Accept-Encoding":["gzip"],"Content-Length":["0"],"Origin":["http://localhost:2019"],"User-Agent":["Go-http-client/1.1"]}}
Sep 26 13:35:45 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"warn","ts":1727321745.476861,"logger":"admin.api","msg":"exiting; byeee!! 👋"}
Sep 26 13:35:45 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"info","ts":1727321745.4768698,"logger":"http","msg":"servers shutting down with eternal grace period"}
Sep 26 13:35:50 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"info","ts":1727321750.2719579,"logger":"tls.renew","msg":"releasing lock","identifier":""}
Sep 26 13:35:50 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"error","ts":1727321750.2720494,"logger":"admin.api","msg":"unable to clean up lock in storage backend","storage":"FileStorage:/var/lib/caddy/.local/share/caddy","lock_key":"","error":"remove /var/lib/caddy/.local/share/caddy/locks/ no such file or directory"}
Sep 26 13:35:50 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"error","ts":1727321750.2720857,"logger":"tls","msg":"job failed","error":" renewing certificate: context canceled"}
Sep 26 13:35:50 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"info","ts":1727321750.2721326,"logger":"admin","msg":"stopped previous server","address":"localhost:2019"}
Sep 26 13:35:50 calcifer caddy[1131]: {"level":"info","ts":1727321750.2721395,"logger":"admin.api","msg":"shutdown complete","exit_code":0}
Sep 26 13:35:50 calcifer systemd[1]: caddy.service: Deactivated successfully.

3. Caddy version:

v2.8.4 h1:q3pe0wpBj1OcHFZ3n/1nl4V4bxBrYoSoab7rL9BMYNk=

4. How I installed and ran Caddy:

Caddy is run via the “caddy” command. It automatically starts on server start. Caddy is hosted locally on an Ubuntu machine, and routed to my Cloudflare domain: ‘

a. System environment:

Ubuntu 22.04 (I am aware new update came out, I want to fix this before updating to avoid complications). Hosted via caddy command line, no docker or systemd.

b. Command:

caddy stop
caddy start

c. Service/unit/compose file:

d. My complete Caddy config:

When entering

caddy fmt

I receive:

Error: reading input file: open Caddyfile: no such file or directory

My Caddyfile is hosted in /etc/caddy/Caddyfile and reads: {
	tls {
		issuer acme {
			dns cloudflare {env.CF_API_TOKEN}
			propagation_delay 60s
			propagation_timeout -1

5. Links to relevant resources:

I attempted to first google/fix the issue. I followed Francis’ instruction at: NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID · Issue #6133 · caddyserver/caddy · GitHub to enter:

sudo caddy trust --address localhost:3019

This port was ‘2019’ on my machine so I assumed that was a typo, and entered 2019 instead. This gave me:

2024/09/26 03:33:58.045	WARN	installing root certificate (you might be prompted for password)	{"path": "localhost:2019/pki/ca/local"}
2024/09/26 03:33:58.045	INFO	warning: "certutil" is not available, install "certutil" with "apt install libnss3-tools" or "yum install nss-tools" and try again
2024/09/26 03:33:58.045	INFO	define JAVA_HOME environment variable to use the Java trust
2024/09/26 03:33:58.565	INFO	certificate installed properly in linux trusts

I installed the suggested tools with the command provided, and now see:


Update: It looks like Cloudflare deleted the API token. I’m guessing it did this automatically when the domain renewed? I’m not sure.

Either way, I updated the token following these instructions again: Keep Caddy Running — Caddy Documentation

However I am still receiving a timeout error. (ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT)

Last time this happened (as per my previous Caddy post), I got to this point and then somehow after about half a day Caddy fixed itself. I am hoping this is the case here? :crossed_fingers:

EDIT: Ok after a restart, we are back at the original error, NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID

EDIT EDIT: Nvm, caddy just needed some time. After a 10 min wait it is all working fine again. I will close the thread!

That’s only for if you used tls internal, i.e. had your certs issued by Caddy, not by Let’s Encrypt.

Anyway, glad you figured out the issue with your token.

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