Double checking: Was setting up really that easy or did I miss anything?

This afternoon I setup Caddyserver but all went so smooth (all setup in about 30min) that I want to double check if I did something wrong and I’m now terribly exposed to the web.

On a RPI3:

  • Installed caddy server: curl -s | bash

  • Created a caddyfile with content: {
    proxy / {
    tls email@ mydomain. com

Could not post all of the file due to ‘new user’

And all worked…

Did I miss anything?

p.s. the only thing I don’t have working yet is auto start at boot up of the PI. Any suggestions?

Hi @Tyfoon, welcome to the Caddy community.

Nope! That’s it. You’ve got a working Caddy. :+1:

As for auto start at boot, you’ll want to look into your OS’ init system. I think Raspbian uses systemd now? We’ve got a bit of a guide for that here:

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