Does anyone have a working config or insight for getting Bookstack and Requarks wiki working behind Caddy?

I have been digging through github issues for both Bookstack and Requarks (wiki.js) to get them both working behind Caddy… Currently Requarks returns a 404 error with this config:

proxy /wiki/ {
        without /wiki

and Bookstack has this config:

proxy /kb {

My bookstack error looks like the one found here:

The issue will be that you’re proxying from a subfolder, but the app doesn’t realise it’s in a subfolder. When the app generates links (such as to critical display styling and javascript), it links to the web root, which you haven’t configured Caddy to proxy back to the app.

The app must be configured to generate links with the correct subfolder, or you need to manually correct for those links with a filter.

Ah, okay. Thanks!

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