DNS Challenge on latest Caddy with custom provider (inwx) possible?

Hey everyone,
i am actually not sure how a config would look like in latest caddy to provision LE certificates via dns-challenge with the inwx provider.
I saw the provider in the old lego repository but since its deprecated i am not sure how to do it the “supported” way.

ACME client has native support for inwx so my guess is that caddy should be able to make use of that?
hope to get some answers here on this.
thanks in advance

or is it simple as this?

	"module": "acme",
	"challenges": {
		"dns": {
			"provider": {
				"name": "inwx",
                "api_user": "YOUR_PROVIDER_API_USERNAME",
				"api_token": "YOUR_PROVIDER_API_TOKEN"


See this article which describes how to set up a libdns plugin for your DNS provider:

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