I would like to create a custom pages that states that the site is down, or some such, in the event my web server(s) is down or web services on that web server is down.
Since, for now, I have two sites on two separate servers I would like to create a custom maintenance page for each site.
I’ve searched the forum and other sites but have not been able to get this working. And, I am not a developer so understanding what code needs to be placed in the Caddyfile is confusing to me from the documentation.
I would like to have a custom maintenance file in the following locations on the proxy server:
2. Error messages and/or full log output:
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3. Caddy version:
4. How I installed and ran Caddy:
dnf install from copr repo
a. System environment:
Caddy is running on a RHEL 9.5 server dedicate proxy server. There are two sites served in Caddy. One site is currently running on a production (RHEL 9.5) Apache web server; second site is currently running on a separate test (RHEL 9.5) Apache web server.
b. Command:
systemctl enable --now caddy
c. Service/unit/compose file:
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http_port 8080
:8080 {
reverse_proxy {
## Main site first
to http://localhost:8181
## Maintenance site last
to http://localhost:8282
## Load balancing policy - always show the main site unless it's down
lb_policy first
## Health checks
health_uri /
health_status 2xx
## Match responses that are served by the maintenance site and make them 503
@maintenance {
header X-Maintenance-Site true
replace_status @maintenance 503
http://localhost:8181 {
respond "Main Site"
http://localhost:8282 {
header X-Maintenance-Site true
respond "Maintenance Site"
$ caddy run --config Caddyfile
$ curl http://localhost:8080
Main Site
If you want to simulate the main site being down, just comment out the main site:
But I’m not trying to load balance. These are two separate sites running on two separate web servers (I plan to consolidate both sites to one server later).
The load balancing is with the maintenance site. Load balancing feature is being used to monitor your site and automatically switch over to the maintenance site when your main site is down.
From what I can tell, though, from your example config is that there is an assumption that there is a web server also running on the proxy server too, right? I would have to install httpd services and configure both those local maintenance sites on port 8181 & 8282?
The handle_errors documentation is what I had originally found and was completely confused about it in the reading.
Does the handle_errors section go before each site in my config? Or, is it just once at the beginning of the config, before the first reverse proxy?
I read the documentation closer (after a couple of cups of coffee) and through some steps of trial and error while reading journalctl and I have answered my own question that it is inserted in each site, right in the site reverse proxy section, like so:
However, when I stopped the web serives on the server hosting that site there is just a blank white page. It seems that it does not read the /maintenance.html that is located in /etc/caddy/ directory. Is it because it is an html file and web services are not running on the proxy server? How do I server a custom maintenance page that will be displayed instead of a blank white page? Can that maintenance.html be a simple text file instead?
No, that was just a quick example I put together on my laptop to show you how to use the load balancing feature for an automatic maintenance page. The web servers can be wherever you want - that’s why I started with “Adjust to your needs.”
You’re missing root definition here. handle_errorsexpects root to be either defined as part of the website configuration, or you need to define it inside the handle_error directive:
Note that file_server preserves the error’s HTTP status code when run in handle_errors (assumes you set a site root in your site beforehand)
Also, I’d recommend using
handle_errors 5xx {
rather than just simple
handle_errors {
otherwise you’ll be showing your maintenance page every time there’s a file missing on your main site, etc.