Could not find solver for my new subdomain

Hi, I am using caddy in my CentOS server. I have many sites running behind it, currently I registered a new subdomain in Google domains, added the required lines in the caddyfile to use it.
However I executed sudo systemctl restart caddy and the service is not running, so I checked with sudo systemctl status caddy.service and get:

sep 20 15:16:03 caddy[30554]: 2017/09/20 15:16:03 [INFO][] AuthURL: https://acme-v01.api.let…UhxSklA
sep 20 15:16:03 caddy[30554]: 2017/09/20 15:16:03 [INFO][] acme: Could not find solver for: dns-01
sep 20 15:16:03 caddy[30554]: 2017/09/20 15:16:03 [INFO][] acme: Trying to solve HTTP-01

Why this happens? what is wrong? thank you

Ok, forget about it. It was a typing error on my subdomain in the caddy file

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