1. The problem I’m having:
Now we are using Openresty to publish our Apis (written in Talend/Qlik).
But have to made a POC with Caddy/Kong …
The Services in the Backend are RestServices written in Talend(now Qlik)
In Talend the Query Parms and Uri matching is case sensitive
So our developers decided to set the uri und query parms in the Talend Restservice to uppercase
http://localhost/ARTICLE?NUMBER=888888 is working fine
http://localhost/Article?Number=888888 gives a 404 not found or the query parm is not considered
In Openresty we solved this by simply convert the uri and args to uppercase and rewrite the call to the backend Proxy with uppercase
set_by_lua $uri_upper "return string.upper(ngx.var.uri)";
if ($args != "" ) { set_by_lua $args_upper "return string.upper(ngx.var.args)"; }
proxy_pass http://$ENDPOINT:9200/$uri_upper$is_args$args_upper;
In Caddy i dont find a solution for that.
How can i convert a variable to upper- or lowercase ?
The requirement is that the User dont worry about how they write the query args.
2. Error messages and/or full log output:
3. Caddy version:
v2.8.1 h1:UVWB6J5f/GwHPyvdTrm0uM7YhfaWb4Ztdrp/z6ROHsM=
4. How I installed and ran Caddy:
dnf in RHEL9 with systemctl
a. System environment:
Rhel 9.2