Congratulations on Mozilla award!

I just wanted to share some thanks for your work on the project and congratulations on winning some of that cool Mozilla grant money:

Mozilla Awards $385,000 to Open Source Projects as part of MOSS “Mission Partners” Program

I’m looking forward to whatever cool new features are in the pipeline now that there’s some solid funding to work on it. May you all have good luck in your future plans!


Awesome! :thumbsup:

YAY! The cool new features will likely be:

“a REST API, web UI, and new documentation”

According to the press release! So happy for this.

Thanks Nick, for your kind words!

Just to clarify, Mozilla prefers to call it an award, not a grant.

I’m bringing on an extra hand to help with Caddy, especially the graphical web UI so that we get a really high-quality front-end for Caddy. I think you’ll be really pleased. :ok_hand:

Mainly right now I’m interested in getting 0.9 out the door; then the more serious work around it will commence. But I want to be sure we have a very solid foundation to build on.

congrats. :clap::clap::clap:
Thx Matt for all of your incredible work.
Nobody deserves it more. And nice to know, I’m on the right plane here.

Are there any proposals/ideas/specs for that?
I would be glad to see if I could help. On the Design-part of things.

Thanks for your offer! There will be plenty of work to do. I’ll post a new topic here announcing the formal start of the API and web UI when we get to that point. I’ll discuss how the web UI will work and what functions it will have, then allow people to submit mockups if anyone would like to. And after the web UI is “finished” there will always be further work to be done of course. :slight_smile:

Topic changed to reflect that.

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