Configure Caddy as if it were only a firewall and have it forward incoming request from an external hostname to a server inside the LAN that uses nginx

I don’t find the question very clear, but I think what you’re trying to do is to make Caddy handle requests to a different domain name to your other server? If so, all you need to do is add another site block to your Caddyfile. {
   ... existing config
} {
    proxy / {

Something like that.

In this case, your other domain name’s DNS would point to the same IP address as your duckdns domain; you can use CNAME to point your other domain to your duckdns domain, so that your other domain doesn’t also need a dynamic IP.

Sorry if I misunderstood what you’re asking, if so it would be best if you could give as much detail as you can to help us understand what you’re trying to achieve.

Thanks for answering, I try to be more clear

I succesfully installed Rocketchat server on a Ubuntu server 18.04 VM with DOCKER and NGINX in my home LAN and works great. So I know the installation is fine.
But now I need to fix the installation according my home LAN specifications that has other 2 servers.

Basically my situation is as below

Internet ===> Router port 443 ===>  Caddy proxy server ====> http://server1
                                                       ====> http://server2
                                                       ====>  (wish to do this but is not working ) r server

Basically my Caddy Proxy server forwards all encrypted communication to the appropriate server inside my LAN  ====>                    ======> http://server1
                                          Caddy proxy server  ====>                    =====>  http://server2

In order to make ROCKETCHAT work in my environment, I think I have 2 option
a) make all internat communication of RocketChat unencrypted but I guess will not work
b) make Caddy passthorught all the communications towards the ROCKETCHAT server =====> direct to rockechat server inside LAN (https)
c) othe rsolutions?  ====>                    ======> http://server1
                                          Caddy proxy server  ====>                    =====>  http://server2
AND bypass Caddy directly to internal IP of RocketChat (it has Nginx) 

I hope I made myself clear

In RocketChat’s docs, they describe how to use Caddy as a proxy in front of it:

Basically, you’ll disable TLS on RocketChat, letting Caddy terminate TLS.

Your config will probably look something like: {
    proxy / {
    tls {
        dns duckdns

(The header_upstream lines can be replaced by the transparent shorthand)

Hey thanks a lot. I can definetely try that. On my (already done) installation of rocket chat I will just have to disable the nginx service, modify my Caddy settings, and that’s it, correct?

On another program (BigBlkueButton) the settings Caddy ==> BBB server without Nginx, was not working, because those servers have a lot of services (voice, video, screen sharing, chat, and so on), and some of those services were relying on local Nginx.

But nevertheless I will try your solution, perhaps this works with rochechat and its jitsi integration (actually what I am interested primarily is VOICE and VIDEO self hosted solution)

Hi Now I am getting closer to my solution.

To recapitulate my configuration

  1. I have only 1 IP available, but multiple servers that also need port 443 and 80

  2. each server that is hosted inside my LAN has to be accessible from outside (same public IP as server1)

  3. My idea was to have a server with Caddy on it that handles port 80 and 443, and instradate the communication to the various servers

Rocketchat is not good, since it relyes on Jitsi-Meet which is not self-hosted. Since my main goal is to have a self-hosted Voice/Video server I go direct to self-hosting JITSY-MEET

On the JITSY forum (Issues with using NginX on separate server - Install & Config - Jitsi Community Forum - developers & users) a user has succesfully done what I want, but using NGINX instead of CADDY, so basically now I need help to translate the below NGINX configuratiuon into a valid CADDY configuration.

Any help please

server {
    listen 443 ssl; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot
    include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem; # managed by Certbot

    location / {
        ssi on;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    # BOSH
    location /http-bind {
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

    # xmpp websockets
    location /xmpp-websocket {
        proxy_pass    ;
        proxy_http_version      1.1;
        proxy_set_header        Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header        Connection "upgrade";
        proxy_set_header        Host $host;
        tcp_nodelay             on;

My current Caddyfile is as below {
    tls {
	    dns duckdns
	log data/requests.log {
	rotate_size 50  # Rotate after 50 MB
	rotate_age  90  # Keep rotated files for 90 days
	rotate_keep 20  # Keep at most 20 log files
	rotate_compress # Compress rotated log files in gzip format
    header / {
    Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains"
    X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
    X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"
    X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"
    Referrer-Policy "same-origin"
    proxy / {
        header_upstream Authorization {>Authorization}
} {
    tls {
	    dns duckdns
	log data/requests.log {
	rotate_size 50  # Rotate after 50 MB
	rotate_age  90  # Keep rotated files for 90 days
	rotate_keep 20  # Keep at most 20 log files
	rotate_compress # Compress rotated log files in gzip format
    header / {
    Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains"
    X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
    X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"
    X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"
    Referrer-Policy "same-origin"
    proxy / {
        header_upstream Authorization {>Authorization}

I see the ssi on; option in the first block, there’s no equivalent to that in Caddy. Hopefully that isn’t required. SSI is “Server Side Includes”, I’ve never used it but it seems to read the response from the service, look for HTML comment blocks, and include other HTML content inline to replace that comment.

There’s also no tcp_nodelay equivalent option, but I think using websocket for that block should be enough. I hope. {
    tls {
        dns duckdns

    proxy / {

    # BOSH
    proxy /http-bind {

    # xmpp websockets
    location /xmpp-websocket {

I am not good enoug to understand this, but below there is a post pointing at templates. And somewhere else I red that this SSI is important, will try your solution as is tonight

Yeah, the templates feature is great if you’re building your own site from scratch, but if you’re proxying to another app that you don’t control, it won’t help here. It’s a similar feature, but the syntax is different, therefore they’re incompatible.

Hi I tried but I get an error in Caddy LOG

:45:01 /share/caddy/Caddyfile:67 - Error during parsing: Unknown directive ‘location’

EDIT I change location to proxy.

Restarting all, when I go to, I receive an error

502 Bad Gateway

Not sure if this helps, it says that SSI are available now in Caddy v2

Whoops, sorry about that one :stuck_out_tongue:

@matt was just saying that the template directive now implements a sub-requests feature, not that it supports SSI.

Hmm. This is where things become hard to debug. That essentially means that Caddy tried to make a request to the proxy backend, but something went wrong.

Make sure the IP addresses in there are correct, I just typed up that Caddyfile example in a hurry, and I also don’t know what your network looks like, was just taking guesses based on your earlier comments.

Below my Caddyfile {
    tls {
        dns duckdns

    proxy / {

    # BOSH
    proxy /http-bind {

    # xmpp websockets
    proxy  /xmpp-websocket {
} {
    tls {
	    dns duckdns
	log data/requests.log {
	rotate_size 50  # Rotate after 50 MB
	rotate_age  90  # Keep rotated files for 90 days
	rotate_keep 20  # Keep at most 20 log files
	rotate_compress # Compress rotated log files in gzip format
    header / {
    Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains"
    X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
    X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"
    X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"
    Referrer-Policy "same-origin"
    proxy / {
        header_upstream Authorization {>Authorization}

I do not know where to look for log files.

When I disable CADDY, and forward my port 443 to the JITSI-MEET server, everything works: I mean JITSI-SERVER NGINX installation is final.

When I switch to CADDY as per above configuration, beside forwarding 443 to CADDY (and not anymore to JITSI-MEET) do I have to do something at the JITSI_MEET installation in regards of its NGINX install?

Let’s step back a bit to confirm the config: {
    tls {
        dns duckdns

    proxy / {

    # BOSH
    proxy /http-bind {

    # xmpp websockets
    proxy  /xmpp-websocket {

The first proxy directive has the upstream Is upstream listening on https? If so, is the certificate self-signed? If not, is the port correct?

If yes, it’s listening on https with the correct port number of 443 and the certificate is self-signed, then you will need to add insecure_skip_verify within the first proxy block. So it becomes:

proxy / {

If it’s not listening on https, then confirm you have the correct IP address and port number.

1 Like

adding that it works. Now I can access the front page of the server

Let me check if voice/video works. EDIT, not yet will check further

1 Like

I spoke to @Mohammed90 elsewhere, he mentioned maybe you need to add the except subdirective to some of those proxies so they properly fall through to the others. See {
    tls {
        dns duckdns

    proxy / {
        except /http-bind /xmpp-websocket

    # BOSH
    proxy /http-bind {

    # xmpp websockets
    proxy  /xmpp-websocket {

Ok, thanks added that. I can connect, so thats an improvement, but the audio/video is not working and I keep being disconnected from the server. I know this is related to trhe server, but the problem lies in Caddy somewhere. This is the console of the Browser, that shows the error 404

strophe.js:5666 POST 404


ogger.js:154 2020-01-28T08:48:31.618Z [features/base/tracks] Failed to create local tracks (2) [“audio”, “video”] a {gum: {…}, name: “gum.not_found”, message: “Requested device(s) was/were not found: audio, video”, stack: “Error↵ at new a (”}

constraints:  {video: {…}, audio: {…}}
**strophe.js:5666 POST 404**
l @ strophe.js:5666
_processRequest @ strophe.js:5681
_throttledRequestHandler @ strophe.js:5827
_connect @ strophe.js:5150
connect @ strophe.js:3051

_c @ react-dom.production.min.js:272
render @ react-dom.production.min.js:273
(anonymous) @ index.web.js:25
Show 160 more frames
Logger.js:154 2020-01-28T08:48:31.455Z [JitsiMeetJS.js] <Object.getGlobalOnErrorHandler>:  **UnhandledError: null Script: null Line: null Column: null StackTrace:  Error: Strophe: request id 1.1 error 404 happened**
    at Object.i.Strophe.log (strophe.util.js:89)

(anonymous) @ middleware.js:16
(anonymous) @ index.web.js:25
Show 167 more frames
Logger.js:154 2020-01-28T08:48:31.459Z [modules/xmpp/strophe.util.js] <Object.i.Strophe.log>:  Strophe: request id 1.1 error 404 happened
o @ Logger.js:154
i.Strophe.log @ strophe.util.js:90

Logger.js:154 2020-01-28T08:48:31.461Z [modules/xmpp/strophe.util.js] <Object.i.Strophe.log>:  Strophe: request errored, status: 404, number of errors: 1
o @ Logger.js:154
i.Strophe.log @ strophe.util.js:77
warn @ strophe.js:2073

(anonymous) @ index.web.js:25
Show 165 more frames
Logger.js:154 2020-01-28T08:48:31.464Z [modules/xmpp/xmpp.js] <t.value>:  (TIME) Strophe disconnecting:	 933.5550000000694
Logger.js:154 2020-01-28T08:48:31.465Z [modules/xmpp/xmpp.js] <t.value>:  (TIME) Strophe disconnected:	 934.7199999999702
Logger.js:154 2020-01-28T08:48:31.466Z [modules/xmpp/xmpp.js] <t.value>:  XMPP connection dropped!

Logger.js:154 2020-01-28T08:48:31.469Z [modules/statistics/statistics.js] <Function.S.sendAnalyticsAndLog>:  {"type":"operational","action":"connection.failed","attributes":{"error_type":"connection.droppedError","error_message":"connection-dropped-error","suspend_time":0,"time_since_last_success":null}}
Logger.js:154 2020-01-28T08:48:31.470Z [connection.js] <c.l>:  CONNECTION FAILED: connection.droppedError
o @ Logger.js:154
l @ connection.js:145
c.emit @ events.js:151

Show 157 more frames
Logger.js:154 2020-01-28T08:48:31.618Z [features/base/tracks] Failed to create local tracks (2) ["audio", "video"] a {gum: {…}, name: "gum.not_found", message: "Requested device(s) was/were not found: audio, video", stack: "Error↵    at new a (https://xxx-video.duckdns.or…"}
o @ Logger.js:154
(anonymous) @ functions.js:93
Promise.catch (async)

the only difference I see, between the NGINX and the CADDY configuration, is this SSI ON … I don’t know what it is and how to translate it in Caddy

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